Mar 17 2025
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.2.3
- Missing options for virtual types in Table Design.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 13 2025
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.2.2
Main New Features:
- Support AI Assistant
- Support managing Snowflake database
- Data Modeling supports Data Vault and Dimensional modeling methods
- Data Modeling supports forwarding engineering to MongoDB database
- BI data source supports data profiling
- Structure Synchronization supports MongoDB database
- Filter & Sort pane in Table Viewer supports Text mode
- Some minor bug fixes and usability improvements
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 18 2025
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.10
- Unable to import data from ODBC in some cases.
- Display columns reset after refreshing data grid.
- Error occurred when saving changes in PostgreSQL Function.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 22 2025
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.9
- Cannot retain object positions in ER diagram after reopening the connection.
- Cannot view long conditions and add new conditions in Filter.
- Unable to reload external files when changes are detected.
- Unable to search in History Log.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 16 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.8
- Unable to create PostgreSQL partition tables in Model.
- Unable to show queries in Data Synchronization's Messages Log.
- Wrong table data was shown in the Compare step of Data Synchronization.
- Unable to show global status in MariaDB's Server Monitor.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 21 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.7
- Unable to backup with Automation.
- Crashed when finding data in query results.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 12 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.6
- Support TiDB.
- Time delay when reporting errors.
- Wrongly displayed German in UI.
- Unable disable Redis SSL verification.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 8 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.5
- Unable to show the trigger definition after reordering the trigger in Table Designer.
- Error occurred when duplicating SQL Server tables.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 2 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.4
- Unable to copy multiple columns in the data viewer.
- Lost focus when updating row value.
- Unable to open database connection after VPN disconnected/reconnected.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 10 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.3
- Incorrectly setting all values in the row to NULL, not just the selected cell.
- Unable to show "SECURITY DEFINER" in the function definition.
- No tables listed when reverse engineering SQL Server databases to model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 3 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.2
- Model diagram disappeared when hovering over.
- Unable to import CSV data with escaped double quotes.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 20 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.1.0
Main New Features:
- Support Microsoft Garnet
- Support Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for PostgreSQL, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for Xscale
- Support Visual Query Explain for SQL Server, MongoDB and OceanBase (MySQL Mode)
- Support Tree View for Redis Data
- Enhanced Query Editor
- Enhanced BI Feature
- Support Conceptual Models Comparison
- New Filter & Sort Layout
- Many other new features and improvements
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 1 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.14
- Unable to copy and paste records in the data grid.
- Crashed when clicking the Options button in the Data Generation window.
- Incorrect Boolean values were transferred when transferring PostgreSQL tables.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 10 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.13
- Vertical scroll bar was missing from the function input parameters dialog box.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 4 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.12
- Process list columns are duplicated in Server Monitor.
- Crashed when refreshing MongoDB collections.
- Foreign keys were not deleted when deleting the parent table in the model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 20 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.10
- The pop-up menu in the navigation pane was missing options.
- Crashed when creating relations in ER diagram.
- Unable to delete the first record in the data grid.
- Column settings reset after refreshing in Server Monitor.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 13 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.9
- Crashed when designing tables.
- Form View did not display the current record selected in Grid View.
- The reference field was not updated when changing the primary key field in the model.
- Crashed when performing Forward Engineering.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 3 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.8
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 27 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.7
- SHIFT-TAB shortcut did not work in the data viewer.
- Data edit mode did not work in some cases.
- Crashed when reversing SQL Server database to model.
- Crashed when reversing SQLite database to model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 13 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 17.0.6
Main New Features:
- All-New Model Workspace
- Data Profiling
- Data Dictionary
- Query Pinned Result
- Visual Query Explain
- Table/Collection Profile
- Navicat URI
- Manage Connection
- Enhanced BI Feature
- Visual Aggregation Pipeline
- Focus Mode
- Support Redis Sentinel
- Many other new features and improvements
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 9 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.9
- Column headers were not aligned in the data grid.
- Cannot open PostgreSQL tables in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 23 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.8
- Print Output was not updated after running SQL Server stored procedure.
- Crashed when transferring PostgreSQL data in some cases.
- "Could not change database" error occurred when working with Azure SQL Database.
- The screen scrolled to the left after refreshing the data in Data Viewer.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Mar 4 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.7
- Crashed when PostgreSQL connection was lost.
- Modified data types were not retained when switching to other tables in Import Wizard.
- "Invalid cursor state" error occurred after computer was idle.
- Incorrect json array index syntax was generated when transferring MySQL tables.
- Unable to connect using ssh agent in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 21 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.6
- Crashed when presenting dashboard in some cases.
- Unable to change data types when creating tables.
- Focus moved to the upper level after deleting an object in Navigation Pane.
- Some labels disappeared after adding the chart to the dashboard.
- Unable to display proportion percentages in the chart axis.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 9 2024
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.5
- Unable to load indexes in MariaDB Table Designer.
- Crashed when closing Server Monitor.
- Crashed when switching tabs on Information Pane.
- Unable to access users in MongoDB.
- The percentage values shown in the chart were incorrect.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 12 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.4
- Crashed when opening Navicat on older macOS versions.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 7 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.3
- Column widths were not retained when opening tables/views.
- Crashed when scheduling batch jobs in some cases.
- Primary keys were not displayed for PostgreSQL partitioned tables.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 7 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.2
- COMMAND-F shortcut did not work in the main window.
- Refresh button did not work in Server Monitor.
- Text in the Search box was hidden in some cases.
- Advanced options in Structure Synchronization cannot be displayed.
- Crashed when typing commands in Redis Query.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 30 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.1
- Crashed when opening Redis connection.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 17 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.3.0
- Support Redis Cluster.
- Support MongoDB Time-Series Collection.
- Support setting MySQL descending primary key.
- Crashed when transferring large tables using SSH connection.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Sep 20 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.9
- "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values." error occurred when importing data to SQL Server.
- Crashed on macOS 14.
- MariaDB Triggers were transferred multiple times during Data Transfer.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 28 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.7
- Beautify SQL incorrectly added spaces between the function name and parentheses.
- Dump SQL File did not correctly generate DEFAULT PARTITION.
- "Parameters supplied for object 'xxx' which is not a function" error occurred when adding record in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 8 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.6
- Support JSON key type for Redis.
- Syntax error occurred when creating SQL Server database.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 14 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.5
- Field mapping lost after saving MongoDB import wizard profile.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 19 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.3
- Copy and paste shortcuts did not work in Navigation pane.
- The focus jumped to the top level after renaming an object in Navigation pane.
- Table tree loading issue in Navigation Pane.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 9 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.2
- Improve SQL Server Trigger editor.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 31 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.2.1
Main New Features:
- Support Redis connections.
- View, edit, search and sort Redis keys and data with Data View.
- Capture and analyze Redis Pub/Sub messages in real-time.
- Support local backup and restore of Redis databases.
- Intuitive interface for editing Redis users and ACLs.
- Redis Console with syntax highlight and code completion.
- Well-formatted Redis query results.
- Automate Redis backup and query execution.
- Command Monitor and Server Monitor for real-time monitoring of Redis.
- Support sequence design for MariaDB.
- Show fields, indexes and more under tables in Navigation Pane.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Navicat for Redis is released.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 26 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.10
- High CPU usage when using SSH connection.
- Unable to save the schedule changes.
- TAB key did not work when adding field.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 17 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.9
- Crashed when opening Preferences in some cases.
- Unable to save changes in SQL Server View.
- Crashed when importing database to model in some cases.
- Crashed when saving table after changing field comment.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 1 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.7
- Memory utilization issue.
- Crashed when importing data to model in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 15 2023
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.6
- Unable to backup if database folder did not exist.
- "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [TableName] ON" was not run before importing in some cases.
- Unable to load cloud connection info when opening data transfer profile.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 12 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.5
- Default value did not show when adding new records.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 5 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.36
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 21 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.4
- 1267 error occurred when clicking the "Users" button.
- Bar chart label display issue.
- Unable to connect CockroachDB Serverless.
- BLOB data was truncated in Console.
- MongoDB create index issue.
- Table columns were not aligned in Console.
- Chart value labels disappeared after reopening Navicat in dark mode.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 28 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.3
- Unable to enter Enum values in MariaDB table designer.
- Query Builder did not recognize the selected fields.
- Crashed when connecting to MongoDB in some cases.
- "Feature not supported" error occurred when using MongoExport.
- "Incomplete Input" error occurred when editing SQLite table.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 31 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 16 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.1
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window.
- The values of RAW columns were displayed as garbled characters.
- Cannot show query errors when using HTTP tunnel.
- Data transfer process stopped when transferring MongoDB database.
- Crashed when renaming a connection in a group.
- Cannot show the new group unless Navicat was restarted.
- CREATE INDEX SQL was missing table name when exporting PostgreSQL model to a SQL file.
- Syntax error occurred when using BEGIN ATOMIC in query.
- Checks were not imported when using "Reverse Database to Model".
- Unable to sort columns in table viewer.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jul 21 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.1.0
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition.
- Support Trend Line for several chart types.
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI.
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync.
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance.
- Improved UI/UX.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 14 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.14
- Query parameters did not work in some cases.
- Function group creation issue.
- Hanged when updating records in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 10 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.13
- Chart title display issue.
- Query listing issue when loading cloud queries.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 28 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.12
- Crashed when opening a table in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 21 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.35
- Crashed when hovering over tabs.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 14 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.11
- Add/Delete Foreign Key issue in ER diagram.
- "Show bar labels" setting cannot be saved in Charts.
- Crashed when moving a connection from Navicat Cloud to My Connections.
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 1 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.9
- Crashed when using table viewer.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Feb 23 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.8
- Auto completion did not work when inputting ENUM value in the table viewer.
- Crashed when closing Navicat in some cases.
- Hanged when designing table.
- Unable to scroll through the fields with the mouse wheel in Query Builder.
- Duplicate options in the user Plugin dropdown menu.
- Connection coloring did not work on subtabs.
- Crashed when importing invalid json files.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 8 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.34
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 13 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.7
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jan 10 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.33
- Missing zero padding in year when exporting data to CSV / TXT file.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 3 2022
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.6
- Data Transfer failed when using HTTP tunnel.
- Line numbers disappeared when scrolling in Query Editor.
- Crashed when mapping MySQL and MariaDB fields in Data Synchronization.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 15 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.5
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud.
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table.
- Crashed in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 7 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.4
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table.
- Crashed when opening query on macOS 10.14 .
- SSL connection error.
- Missing zero padding in year when exporting data to CSV / TXT file.
- Missing menu items when opening query in new window.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 23 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 16.0.3
Main New Features:
- New Data Generation Tool
- Enhanced Charts Feature
- Support of Navicat On-Prem Server
Additional Features:
- Connection Profiles
- Field Information Pane
- PostgreSQL Extensions Management
- Query Execution Summary
- Navicat On-Prem Server is released
- Many other new features and improvements
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Nov 10 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.32
- Crashed when running scripts in some cases.
- Crashed when copying records in some cases.
- The TEXT pane did not retain when running queries.
- Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 19 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.30
- Unable to dump databases from MongoDB Atlas using MongoDump.
- Unable to show the cursor when editing TEXT data using Form View in Dark Mode.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 29 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.29
- Crashed when adding relations to a logical model.
- Differences were incorrectly detected when synchronizing MySQL table structures.
- Crashed when running query in some cases.
- Error occurred when transferring SQL Server tables with user-defined types to other server types.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 3 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.28
- Unable to update data in some cases.
- Crashed when adding a trigger to PostgreSQL model.
- Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases.
- Exporting JSON field didn't handle NULL and integer values properly.
- Cursor did not focus to the Search box after pressing CMD-F.
- Crashed when selecting the "Group by Object Type" in Structure Synchronization.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 8 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.26
- Unable to read grid data in Dark mode.
- Unable to sort the last column by clicking the column header in Table Viewer.
- Duplicate entry error occurred when editing the pasted records.
- Unable to connect to server via SSH Tunnel in some cases.
- Hanged when starting Navicat in some cases.
- "Different primary key type" error occurred when synchronizing MySQL data.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 14 2021
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.25
- 'Primary key needs to be integer' error occurred when synchronizing data.
- Unable to show the ENUM items list in Table Viewer.
- Unable to sort by clicking the column header in Table Viewer.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 22 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.31
- Crashed when modifying PostgreSQL permissions.
- Only 10,000 records were exported when exporting MongoDB collection.
- Data Synchronization UX issue.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 15 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.24
- Set the values of a column to NULL.
- Crashed when saving MariaDB Views.
- The modified dates of backup files were incorrect.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 12 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.22
- Prompt to change the MariaDB password when it expired.
- Unable to show the granted privileges if the database name contained wildcard characters.
- Only the last selected table was printed when printing multiple tables.
- The SQL Editor was flickered and repainted when saving the query.
- "Auto Increment" and "Unsigned" options were removed after adding another field.
- Crashed when using Query Builder on Big Sur.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 15 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.21
- The "Set to Null" option was applied to a wrong column when some columns were hidden in Table Viewer.
- The field size was incorrect in Form View.
- Crashed when opening/testing a connection after changing "Settings Location" to a folder in Documents.
- The "SQLite3 Dynamic Library" option did not work.
- The "Encoding" setting was not stored when the connection was synchronized to Navicat Cloud.
- "Dump SQL File" stopped running in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 3 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.20
- Unable to set the encoding of MariaDB connection.
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2.
- Schedule did not trigger when using Navicat App Store version.
- The "Close Database" option in the context menu was dimmed when a query tab was focused.
- The entire connection tree was collapsed when searching.
- Crashed when deleting a data source in Charts.
- Crashed when connecting to MongoDB in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 22 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.18
- Improvement on resizing Information pane.
- Negative default value displayed as "-" in MariaDB.
- No records were imported in some cases when Import Wizard displayed "Finished Successfully".
- Wrong SQL generated for CAST function when switching between Query Editor and Query Builder.
- "Authentication failed" error occurred when using MongoDump.
- Crashed when running MongoDB query for the second time.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 3 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.17
- Error occurred when running a valid updateMany query.
- Unable to show full table names in the Data Synchronization window.
- Field names in the Join dialog were truncated.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 18 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.16
- MongoDB data export failed.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 6 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.15
- Jumped to the first record when refreshing in Form View.
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19.
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB.
- Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization.
- The list of the reference tables for foreign key was empty in Model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 20 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.30
- Scrolling was slow in data viewer.
- "Error moving files" error occurred when accessing Navicat Cloud.
- The color picker disappeared in diagram.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Apr 15 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.14
- The state of the pane in model was not retained.
- Crashed when synchronizing SQL Server data.
- Field count was missing in Table Designer.
- Crashed when opening Console.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 23 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.12
- "9015: Error Moving Error" error occurred when using Navicat Cloud.
- Crashed when clicking the Next button without choosing a target database in Data Transfer.
- Unable to show the whole Trial Reminder dialog.
- Crashed when editing/composing new queries in some cases.
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections.
- Crashed when starting Data Transfer in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 3 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.29
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 27 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.11
- Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 20 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.10
- Crashed when using Data Transfer in some cases.
- Inserted records to the target server when transferring views.
- CPU usage was high when using Query Builder.
- Unable to open the main window when starting Navicat.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 16 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.8
- Crashed when starting Navicat.
- Dates before 1900 were exported as numeric values when exporting to Excel.
- The Search feature did not work properly in the Data Transfer window.
- Icon and text were not aligned well in the Navigation pane
- The unchecked "Includes anonymous system profile" option was reverted to check after restarting Navicat.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 6 2020
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.7
- Crashed when starting Navicat.
- Crashed when running Data Transfer in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 24 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.6
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor.
- Unable to run selected query in some cases.
- Crashed when using Data Transfer.
- Unable to show which database is active.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 12 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.28
- Data Synchronization options were unable to save in profile.
- Unable to copy SQL query from Process List in Server Monitor.
- "Option" button was missing in the file selection window of Import Wizard.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 9 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.4
- Data Synchronization options were unable to save in profile.
- Auto Layout feature separated notes and labels from layers.
- Unable to copy SQL query from Process List in Server Monitor.
- Unable to show data in JSON/Tree View.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 25 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 15.0.3
New Features:
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 11 2019
Navicat for Premium (macOS) version 12.1.27
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 9 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.26
- Unable to show tables in PostgreSQL 12.
- Unable to change the Settings Location path of Navicat Cloud connections.
- A red exclamation mark was incorrectly displayed on the Navicat Cloud query icon.
- "Add Object Privileges" UI issue when using Dark Mode.
- Crashed when connecting to MongoDB database.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 17 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.25
- Byte type integer was default converted to bytea when importing from Access files.
- Unable to search in menu bar / Help.
- Unable to show the database list when there was more then 255 databases.
- Data Transfer process was stopped in some cases.
- Error occurred when running "select * from table1 where field1 like '%SA\_%' escape '\';".
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 24 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.24
- Unable to list users for MariaDB 10.4.
- Error occurred when running multiple SQL Server queries (ended with ;) in Query Editor.
- List View was not retained in the main window after restarting Navicat.
- The backup context menu was incorrect when the SQL Server connection was not opened.
- "Field 'type' is currently not supported." error occurred when listing MongoDB collections.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 12 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.23
- Unable to transfer views from MySQL to MariaDB.
- Crashed when running query in some cases.
- Unable to use the Add Privilege button.
- Unable to add, edit or remove users in AWS Redshift instance.
- Connections moved out of the group after editing.
- "Incorrect syntax near ','" occurred when importing accdb file to SQL Server.
- Crashed when editing model in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 23 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.22
- Empty tables were created when importing .accdb file.
- Run Selected option did not run all highlighted text when using shortcut to select the SQL.
- SSH connection dropped issue.
- Unable to retain selected columns in Foreign Key Selection window.
- PostgreSQL SCRAM authentication did not work properly.
- Data Synchronization data grid UI issue in Dark Mode.
- Data Synchronization inserted values into Generated Columns.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 18 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.20
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 17 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.19
- Error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4.0.
- Missing "Tools" menu when running an infinite loop in Console.
- Crashed when comparing databases in Structure Synchronization.
- Login failed when connecting to Azure SQL Database.
- Crashed when saving models.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 21 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.18
- Grid View and Form View menu options were flipped.
- SQLite table structure cannot be modified when using an HTTP tunnel.
- "On Update Current Timestamp" option did not reflect the settings when using ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode.
- The row height of the object list did not match the font size.
- Column order was incorrect when importing database to model.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 26 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.16
- Enter the datetime value directly in the Filter.
- Add a "Drop with CASCADE" option for deleting PostgreSQL objects.
- Crashed when opening a database in some case.
- If the filter value box was opened, Navicat window disappeared when switching to another App.
- Crashed when using Find feature after updating the data.
- Crashed when code completion was triggered in large query.
- Freeze when entering/exiting Full Screen.
- Selected connection, database and schema names were missing in Data Transfer window.
- "Directory" textbox became empty when creating SQL Server database.
- Structure Synchronization was unable to create SQL Server primary or secondary XML indexes.
- 1146 error occurred when duplicating MySQL 8.0 functions.
- SQL Server Data Transfer was slow.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 10 2019
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.15
- Unable to search the grouped queries unless the group was selected.
- Crashed when using Find in Database/Schema if the connection was not opened.
- Field comment font color issue when using Dark Mode.
- SSH key file reselect issue when opening connection in App Store version.
- Crashed when creating a project.
- Beautify SQL feature wrongly split text which started with numbers.
- Row highlight issue when using Dark Mode.
- Crashed when opening Datetime picker window in Table Viewer.
- Unable to show line number in SQL Editor on macOS 10.14.
- Code Folding did not work properly in SQL Editor on macOS 10.14.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 23 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.13
- Crashed when opening Navicat if logged in Navicat Cloud.
- Unable to connect using SSH private key in some cases.
- Hanged when saving Procedure/Function.
- Crashed when clicking Views in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 7 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.12
- Mojave's Dark Mode did not display properly.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 6 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.11
- Stored procedures was not exported properly when using Data Transfer.
- Import Wizard was slow in some cases.
- "ORA-00922: missing or invalid option" error occurred when connecting to Oracle.
- "Connection is in use" message prompted when restarting Navicat if connection password was not stored.
- Crashed after Navicat was opened in a few minutes.
- Crashed when showing Navicat Cloud Agreement.
- Crashed when synchronizing data in MariaDB System Versioned Tables.
- Unable to copy data from Table Viewer.
- Code Completion did not work properly in some cases.
- Inputted text was not displayed when renaming objects on Navigation Pane in Mojave's Dark Mode.
- Unable to list the batch jobs in some cases.
- Connection/Database did not open when dragging tables into it.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 10 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.10
- "<html>" tag was repeated twice when exporting HTML file.
- Definition was missing when dumping Views and Functions.
- Crashed when starting Navicat in some cases.
- Foreign key data selection did not work.
- Link connection from Oracle to SQL Server failed in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 2 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.9
- HTML export did not specify charset.
- Fixed PostgreSQL 11 compatibility issue.
- Unable to connect MongoDB using password with special characters.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 10 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.8
- Available Jobs list did not sort alphabetically in Automation.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 29 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.7
- Crash occurred when adding export profile to a batch job in some cases.
- Navicat got hanged when viewing SQL Preview in new function.
- Crash occurred when saving new function.
- Sync User Name with Navicat Cloud option in SSH tab did not work properly.
- Unable to scroll horizontally in the comparison step of Data Synchronization.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 23 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.6
- Unable to connect MongoDB in some cases.
- COMMAND-N new object shortcut did not work.
- Not Null checkbox state was wrong in Table Designer.
- Crashed when creating new connection in some cases.
- Import Target and Field Mapping changed after changing the source file in profile.
- Crashed when deleting fields in PostgreSQL.
- Syntax error occurred when transferring MySQL ARCHIVE engine tables.
- Error occurred when editing SQL Server data.
- Crashed when closing window in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 31 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.4
- Unable to map fields in Import Wizard.
- New Query shortcut and menu item did not work.
- Crashed when clicking New Query button in some cases.
- Crashed when typing in Query Editor in some cases.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 26 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.1.3
Main New Features:
- Support of MongoDB
- Support Roles for MySQL 8
- Support Roles for MariaDB 10
- Support Partitioned Table for PostgreSQL 10
- Brand new Filter Wizard
- UI and UX Improvement
- Navicat for MongoDB is released
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 13 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.28
- The Not Null checkbox states were inverted in Oracle Table Designer.
- Unable to rename table with double-click in some cases.
- Sorting Rows column on the Objects tab did not work properly.
- Command-W shortcut did not close the active window in some cases.
- Some menu items were missing in Table Designer.
- Export Wizard did not add a leading zero to pad days and months to two digits.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 7 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.27
- Ability to copy comparison results of Model.
- Added thousand separators to the row count on the table objects list.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when opening Navicat if invalid characters were used for the paths in Preferences.
- The generated CREATE PROCEDURE statement was incorrect when dumping database to SQL file.
- Unable to execute Navicat commands using Automator.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 10 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.26
- Supported to connect MySQL 8 using SHA2 connection.
- Supported coloring the Objects tab when a colored connection is selected.
- Improved table mapping in Import Wizard.
- Improved keyboard navigation with tab key in Import Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- Left single quotation mark was wrong style when inputting in Form View.
- Error occurred when deleting multiple users in SQL Server.
- Extra "(" was added to INSERT statements when deploying scripts in Data Synchronization.
- Objects list loading was slow in some cases.
- Zero decimal place digits were not displayed in Table Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 23 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.25
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect SQL "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)" was dumped for MariaDB 5.5 tables.
- Crashed when starting Navicat.
- Unable to edit query results when tables had alias.
- Exported files were not attached to the notification email.
- Procedure Parameters was missing when synchronizing structure.
- Unable to filter connections in the Navigation Pane.
- Error occurred when importing data to TIMESTAMP(6) fields.
- Profile icons did not have indicator after adding attachments in Batch Job.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 28 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.24
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to copy error messages in Query.
- Database name was added to the query when using Query Builder.
- Unable to show the Oracle Package Body definition.
- XML file data was not imported to JSON fields completely.
- Unable to edit data in Query result set in some cases.
- Adjusting the height of split screen in Table Designer was not allowed.
- Crashed when selecting or editing Procedure SQL in Query Editor.
- Incorrect SQL was generated when changing Primary Key name in Table Designer.
- Query column width reset after restarting Navicat.
- Memory leak issue.
- "Fields" and "Referenced Fields" values were vanished after saving and moving cursor to another Foreign Key.
- Field properties were not shown when adding a field in Table Designer.
- Incorrect field name were shown when moving a field in Table Designer.
- UI issue in Full Screen mode.
- Exported Excel files were corrupted in some cases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Feb 22 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.23
- Supported Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL.
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to open Console if a non-tabbed window was opened in font.
- Incorrect syntax error occurred when transferring SQL Server tables.
- Added records showed wrong values until refreshing SQLite table grid.
- Navicat hanged when refreshing table grid after changing field names.
- Navicat process was unable to terminate.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 22 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.22
Bug Fixes:
- Error occurred when synchronizing structure in some cases.
- Enum type value returned as string in query results.
- Exported Excel files were corrupted in some cases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 15 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.21
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to show all PostgreSQL tables.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 11 2018
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.20
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to open a table twice.
- Running multi-statement SQLs with delimiters issue.
- Crashed when adding default value in Table Designer.
- Crashed when clicking the Server Privileges tab in User Designer.
- Find feature in Table Viewer was not function correctly.
- Target object name was garbled when copying object named with non-ascii characters.
- Crashed when executing SQL to insert emoji to table.
- Crashed when performing Data Transfer in some cases.
- Navicat hanged when executing scripts in Data Synchronization.
- Unable to show Oracle SYS.XMLTYPE type data in Table Viewer.
- Unable to hide the Information pane permanently in Query.
- Preferences settings reset when Navicat started.
- Unable to stop query when using SSL connection.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 1 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.19
Bug Fixes:
- Result tab was focused when explaining query.
- Query Plan result column was too narrow in Query.
- "\t" character was appended to the end of the row when copying data to text / Excel file.
- Unable to map fields in Import Wizard.
- Dump SQL File process was slow.
- Create new table wrongly when importing to existing table in some cases.
- Use old user to connect after changing new user name in Connection window.
- Unable to import decimal values when data has thousand separator.
- Crashed when searching on different pages in Table Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 13 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.18
Bug Fixes:
- The database/schema combo-box did not work in Query.
- Manual refresh did not work in Server Monitor when auto-refresh was enabled.
- Oracle connection's Service Name setting reset after re-login Navicat Cloud.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 7 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.17
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to modify the Current value of Identity to 0 in Table Designer.
- Supported refresh PostgreSQL Materialized Views with CONCURRENTLY option.
- Information panel retained when opening Navicat.
- Fixed importing connections with Settings Location issue.
- Error occurred when modifying SQLite schema or data in App Store version.
- Command-D shortcut did not open Design form when viewing View data.
- Syntax error occurred when editing data in table with binary primary key.
- Unable to resize the assistant editor in Table Viewer.
- Fixed cursor focus issue in Console.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 17 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.16
Bug Fixes:
- Syntax error occurred when creating MariaDB triggers in Table Designer.
- Unable to commit the same query twice.
- Unable to create the second filter by using context menu.
- Unable to reload or reopen tables after connection was timeout.
- Navicat hanged when opening large BLOB data in Hex Editor.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 10 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.15
Bug Fixes:
- Save dialog prompted even no changes made in Table Designer.
- Unable to paste Chinese in SQL Server Table Viewer.
- Query Builder loading was slow.
- Unable to execute query in some cases.
- Data synchronization crashed when HTTP connection was used.
- Crashed when dumping PostgreSQL tables to SQL files.
- Unable to export views on High Sierra.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Sep 26 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.14
Bug Fixes:
- Error occurred when creating virtual columns in MariaDB Table Designer.
- Table Designer UI improvements.
- Font settings in Preferences reset to default after restarting Navicat.
- SQL Formatting was missing in the Triggers tab of Table Designer.
- Unable to delete fields in Table Designer.
- View Builder button was missing in View Designer.
- SSH connection hangs issue.
- Objects list loading was slow.
- Automation did not work when the profile name contained spaces.
- Syntax error occurred when filtering with ' character in Table Viewer.
- Unable to run DELIMITER $$ statements in Query.
- Navicat hanged when using normal OS user account.
- Duplicate Entry error occurred when importing with Append/Update mode.
- Sync Username to Navicat Cloud option was missing in Connection form.
- Navicat hanged when connection was cut off.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 5 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.13
Bug Fixes:
- Auto increment field was ignored when importing
- Unable to set the default value of TEXT/BLOB field for MariaDB 10.2.1 or above.
- Error occurred when connecting to MariaDB in some cases.
- System items were shown in the Import from Database window.
- Navicat hanged when running a query export profile in some cases.
- Window was resized when clicking the Triggers tab in PostgreSQL Table Designer.
- Crashed when viewing or editing Functions.
- Code completion displayed unrelated items.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Aug 24 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.12
Bug Fixes:
- Replace All did not work in Table Viewer.
- Wrong row was inserted to when selecting foreign key value in Table Viewer.
- Memory error occurred when transferring tables.
- Suggested wrong table column in code completion list.
- Context menu UI issue in some cases.
- Tables displayed as NEW in Import Wizard even it is already existed.
- Slow issue occurred when using code completion.
- Server name was missing in the window title bar of Console.
- Unable to add tables/views to Query Builder.
- Crashed when opening SQLite connection in some cases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 8 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.11
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when executing query in some cases.
- Failed to sort by Modified Time, Created Time or Data Length in Detail view.
- Launching Import Wizard was slow.
- The month and day values were transposed when importing Date fields.
- Copy/Paste context menu was missing in Table Viewer.
- Crashed when creating new query without selecting a connection in Navigation pane.
- Unable to stop multiple processes in Server Monitor.
- Crashed when apply changes for SQLite in Table Viewer.
- Number of running processes was missing in Server Monitor.
- Table mapping was not in alphabetic order in Data Synchronization.
- Crashed when adding records in Table Viewer.
- Exported file name did not add timestamp when using Automation.
- Unable to synchronize queries for SQLite connections in Navicat Cloud.
- Wrong SQL was generated for function in Structure Synchronization.
- In-App Purchases did not stay activated after restart the app.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 25 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.10
- Crashed when exporting query result in some cases.
- Unable to show time values in Timestamp fields in Table Viewer.
- Error occurred when executing SQL Server procedure in some cases.
- Field names were not shown for SQLite in Query Builder.
- Lost focus when inputting auto increment value in Table Designer.
- Incorrect values displayed in MySQL "Data Length" column in Detail View.
- Table list was not sorted in Export Wizard.
- Backup object list in the Objects tab was not refreshed after finishing backup.
- Progress bar did not update when importing.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jul 14 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.9
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to copy SQL in the bottom navigation bar of Table Viewer.
- Crashed when pasting SQL in Query Editor.
- Error occurred when opening MySQL databases in HTTP connection if enabled "Encode outgoing query with base64" setting.
- End Process item in the context menu was disabled in Server Monitor.
- Syntax error occurred when transferring MySQL data.
- Incorrect field names were shown in code completion suggestion list.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 10 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.8
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed displaying object list slow issue.
- Fixed selecting user slow issue.
- Fixed the query builder window resize issue.
- Unable to show users in the Objects tab in some cases.
- Foreign key's Source Fields list was empty in Table Viewer.
- "Invalid default value" error occurred when transferring MySQL data.
- The Identifiers list in Query Editor did not show items.
- "Data Length" displayed in Bytes in Detail view.
- "Name" column width was too narrow in Detail view.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 4 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.7
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to restore in some cases.
- Query Table shortcut was missing in Table Viewer.
- Foreign Key's reference database was not changed after transferring to other database.
- Crashed when launching the application.
- Unable to set range in Schedule Setup.
- SSH password was not imported when upgrading to Navicat 12.
- Memory leak issue in SQL Editor.
- Current active server/database was not selected when using CMD-Y shortcut to open New Query window.
- Syntax error occurred in Data Transfer.
- Sorting by modified/create date did not work for details view in main window.
- Unable to copy and paste data in Table Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jun 26 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.6
Bug Fixes:
- Shift-Option-Arrow did not work for selecting a word in SQL Editor.
- Command-R did not refresh the list when database was selected.
- Unable to resize window in some cases.
- Unable to type some characters in editor when using international keyboard.
- Unable to sort the object list in the main window.
- Unable to log in Oracle server using lower case username.
- Exporting data with commas to CSV file issue.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 16 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.5
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when exporting large query results.
- Connection name was missing on the tab of Table Viewer.
- Crashed when exporting query results to CSV file.
- Crashed when deleting PostgreSQL Materialized View.
- Prompted for inputting the same parameter for every occurrence in Query.
- Unable to accept Terms and Conditions when first login Navicat Cloud.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 9 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.4
Bug Fixes:
- Domain setting in SQL Server Connection window was lost after restarting Navicat.
- Crashed when accessing Function Object List.
- Wrongly showed primary key warning in View Viewer.
- 1142 error occurred when transferring data for MySQL.
- PostgreSQL Function Designer showed wrong language setting.
- Query did not pop up Input Parameter dialog in some cases.
- ORA-00942 error occurred when opening Oracle schema.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 2 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.3
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to connect MySQL with socket file.
- Failed to connect Oracle server by TNS.
- Crashed when opening Privilege Manager.
- Crashed when opening SQL Server Function Designer.
- "Show system items" option did not function properly.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 31 2017
Navicat Premium (macOS) version 12.0.2
New Features:
- New UI/UX.
- On Startup: open favorite tabs automatically when Navicat launches.
- Code Snippet.
- Advanced Code Completion with better suggestions.
- Brand new Structure Synchronization: visually show side-by-side DDL comparison between two databases.
- Brand new Data Synchronization: show particular status to distinguish the differences between records easily.
- New Automation: easy to find desired profiles and create automated batch jobs.
- Responsiveness and performance improved.
- Many other new features and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 5 2017
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.18
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to export SQLite views with alias field names.
- Crashed when dumping certain PostgreSQL SQL statements.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 1 2017
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.17
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to save Oracle trigger changes when trigger definition is updated in Trigger Designer.
- Crashed when transferring certain Oracle Timestamp values in Data Transfer.
- Failed to move procedures to a virtual group.
- Unable to create roles in PostgreSQL 9.6.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 19 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.16
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to show errors when running query in some cases.
- Failed to import JSON files in some cases.
- Query Editor window has disappeared when it lost focus.
- Failed to parse PostgreSQL rules with “DO INSTEAD NOTHING†when dumping SQL.
- Some options were wrongly displayed in Essentials Edition.
- Unable to save the changes in Oracle Package Body Designer.
- Settings Location was wrongly copied when duplicating connection.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 24 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.15
Bug Fixes:
- The default date time format and delimiter of Export Wizard did not follow Import Wizard.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 31 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.14
- Added some common keyboard shortcuts.
Bug Fixes:
- Displayed wrong database name on PostgreSQL Console.
- Failed to transfer tables when enabled "Convert object name" in Data Transfer.
- Crashed when opening Query view in some cases.
- Crashed when running backup tasks in Batch Job.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 3 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.13
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to show the "Conditions" and "Commands" settings of PostgreSQL Rule in Table Designer.
- Crashed after exporting in some cases.
- Crashed when importing files with long field name.
- Failed to run "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" statement in Query Editor.
- Column titles was unable to display properly in Form view when using large font size.
- Crashed when deleting tables with relations in Diagram view.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 5 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.12
- Support PostgreSQL 9.5 keywords in Query Editor.
- Support utf8mb4 Character Set in MySQL and MariaDB connections.
- Support smart quotes in Query Builder.
Bug Fixes:
- "DATETIME" was not displayed as SQL Server keyword in Query Editor.
- Progress bar did not update in Data Transfer.
- Unable to expand connection tree in some case if the corresponding tab was not selected.
- Crashed while working with a profile in a virtual group.
- Unable to perform data synchronization using command line.
- Crashed when inserting record with RAW mode in Table Viewer.
- Failed to move multiple objects into a virtual group by right-click menu in Navicat Cloud connections.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 29 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.11
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when opening or closing Navicat Cloud database in some cases.
- Unable to beautify SQL keywords to upper case in Query Editor.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 30 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.10
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the column order issue when using Copy As Insert/Update in Table Viewer.
- Navicat got hang when editing PostgreSQL UUID fields in Table Viewer.
- Crashed when inserting a row for PostgreSQL in Table Viewer.
- Unable to insert empty string to fields with date time types if import date is empty since MySQL 5.7.
- Failed to close the parameter window after opening in Function Designer.
- App Store Essentials version: Failed to keep the "Show Object List" state in Query.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 1 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.9
Bug Fixes:
- Functions were removed after editing the query in Query Builder.
- Failed to save the SQL Server "Identify" setting in Model Table Designer.
- "Generate UUID" feature was missing in PostgreSQL Table Viewer.
- Unable to remember the file path if the path contains space in Export Wizard.
- Text editor was unable to show JSONB data in PostgreSQL Table Viewer.
- Differences were shown wrongly when synchronize model to PostgreSQL database in Model.
- Failed to edit a field with default values from a sequence in PostgreSQL Table Viewer.
- Model History pane showed many changing color histories in some cases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 28 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.8
Bug Fixes:
- Background color of keyword "SUM" did not change with non-white background in Query Editor.
- Auto-completion did not work for 1 char alias in Query Editor.
- Extra database name was added when drag and drop a table to Query Builder.
- Crashed when creating backup in Cloud connections.
- Unable to create MySQL Enum column in Table Designer.
- Crashed when double-clicking the "Find in Database" result in some cases.
- Queries with "JOIN" was not parsed correctly in some case in Query Editor.
- Unable to list sequences in the "Object Selection" tab when backup PostgreSQL.
- Navicat for SQL Server crashed when opening the second database/table.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 14 2016
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.7
Bug Fixes:
- Wrongly added extra " char in the exported data when the data contained " char.
- Unable to open the Find result in "Find in Database".
- Date formatting functions of Oracle datetime type were missing in the queries generated by "Copy As" in Table Viewer.
- Unable to change the field order by dragging in the SELECT tab of View Builder.
- "Show Result" setting of Query was not saved immediately.
- No response after clicking "User" button for SQLite.
- Wrongly deleted the edited SQLite view after saving the modification.
- New schema created from Query cannot show after refreshed the PostgreSQL or SQL Server connection.
- Unable to disable the folding setting of Query Editor in Preferences.
- Unable to show column names for SQLite in Query Builder.
- Crashed when double-click to select the query and run selected.
- JSON types were missing for PostgreSQL in Table Designer.
- Drop stored proc/function statements were missing for SQL Server in Data Transfer.
- User Name and Host were empty when duplicating a MySQL user.
- Wrongly added extra "AS" keyword for aliasing Oracle table in SQL generated by Query Builder.
- Crashed when opening Oracle Package Designer.
- Crashed when loading server preferences from preference.plist file on launching Navicat.
- Unable to open the saved import profile.
- The http tunneling script was using the mysql extension of PHP which did not work in PHP 7.
- Unable to show [] with black background in Query Editor.
- Shortcuts CTRL-A, CTRL-E were missing in Query Editor.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 28 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.6
Bug Fixes:
- Adding multiple relations issue in Model's Table Designer.
- Unable to uncheck the "Limit records per page" box in Table Viewer.
- Crashed when pasting SQL to Query Editor.
- Detaching database file from SQLite connection corrupted connections in the Connection pane.
- Error occurred when saving views after applying Beautify SQL.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 22 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.5
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when opening SQL Server Role Designer.
- Unable to load tnsnames.ora file.
- Unable to save the "Show Object List" option in Query.
- There was no syntax highlight in the SQL Preview tab.
- Unable to show the cursor in Query Editor with black background.
- Failed to drag and drop connection in some cases.
- Smart quote issue in Query Editor.
- Font issue in Query Editor.
- Find feature issue in Query Editor.
- Unable to copy more than 30 rows in Table/Query Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 16 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.3
Bug Fixes:
- Pop-up options of selected cell were missing in Table Viewer.
- Objects tab was not selected when clicking an item in the Connection pane.
- Unable to resize the width of main window as Version 11.1.
- "Rolcatupdate" error occurred while accessing Roles in PostgreSQL 9.5.
- All field names were placed on the same line after applying Beautify SQL.
- Unable to show the column list of "Show/Hide Columns" in Table Viewer on Mac OS X 10.10.
- CMD+F shortcut did not work in the main window on Mac OSX 10.11.
- It was slow when running PostgreSQL queries.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 10 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.2.2
Major New Features:
Navicat Cloud Collaboration
- Create/Modify/Delete projects.
- Add members to project for sharing connection settings, queries and models.
- View Project Activity Log.
PostgreSQL Objects
- Support Foreign Server with User Mapping.
- Support Foreign Table.
- Support PostgreSQL Debugger.
- Enhanced Object Designers.
Data Modeling Tool
- Support Model Conversion.
- Support Views.
- Enhanced Table Designer.
- SQLite Users Management.
- Enhanced Filter Wizard.
- Enhanced Query Designer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 18 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.17
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to log in Navicat Cloud in some cases.
- Crashed when running Structure Synchronization.
- Failed to open SQL Server connections on Mac OS X 10.9 or below.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 3 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.16
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to copy backup files to another database by drag and drop method.
- Crashed when running Data Transfer more than once on OS X 10.11.
- Froze when operating Table Viewer with longtext data.
- Crashed when running stored procedures on OS X 10.11.
- Template database name has not escaped when creating PostgreSQL database.
- Crashed when adding password using MD5 function in Table Viewer Raw mode.
- Crashed when running SQL multi times in Console.
- Unable to login SQL Server with password contains ";".
- Unable to set the default value of the bit type in Table Designer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 16 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.15
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect schema name for CREATE INDEX or TRIGGER SQL for PostgreSQL in Structure Synchronization.
- Crashed when getting table constraints due to extra constraints created by PostgreSQL extension earthdistance.
- Showed wrong database in Connection Tree.
- Execute SQL file did not output errors in some cases.
- Lost local connections after Navicat crashed during synchronizing to Navicat Cloud.
- App Store version: In-App Purchase did not work in Mac OS X 10.11.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 3 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.14
- Supported format strings in Schedule email body.
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to send notification email in Schedule.
- Wrongly updated the SQL Server table identity columns in Import Wizard.
- Created a new connection when previewing a view or a materialized view.
- Syntax error occurred when updating SQL Server tables in Table Viewer.
- "Database file path is not correct" error occurred when opening SQLite database files from finder.
- Crashed when dumping SQL Server tables to a SQL file.
- Unable to change the case of the backup file name.
- Failed to synchronize Row Format when creating MySQL tables in Structure Synchronization.
- Lost connections in some cases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.13
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to show error messages when saving SQL Server procedures.
- Crashed when importing connections.
- Error occurred when using profile to perform Data Synchronization for PostgreSQL.
- SQL Server connection would hang when the connection was disconnected.
- Crashed when reversing database to model.
- Generated incorrect SQL for foreign keys when transferring Oracle tables to a SQL file.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.12
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to connect PostgreSQL with password contained single quote/backslash characters.
- Object List tab did not change when selecting nodes from connection tree.
- Unable to synchronize or export model to SQL Azure.
- Unable to send email when running batch jobs using Command Line.
- Failed to save the order of connections in Navicat Cloud.
- Unable to transfer PostgreSQL index when index field contained function.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.11
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to edit BLOB field's text data on TEXT editor.
- Error occurred when opening SQL Server 2005 and SQL Azure connections.
- Unable to use CMD-Y New Query shortcut after selecting Tables, Views, etc nodes on Connection Tree.
- .wal and .shm files were not deleted after closed SQLite connections.
- Failed to create/edit users for MySQL 5.7.6.
- Failed to run schedule for connections in Navicat Cloud.
- Cursor did not focus on Query Editor when opening a query.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 12 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.10
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the escape character data issue for PostgreSQL tables in Data Transfer.
- Unable to insert/update/delete money type in Table Viewer and Data Transfer for SQL Server 2000.
- Wrongly showed MySQL/MariaDB TEXT fields with collation xxx_bin as BLOB fields in Table Viewer.
- Fixed import DBF file with empty datetime value issue.
- Crashed when typing "create function test (in_" in Query Editor.
- Error occurred when opening SQL Server 2008 R2 schemas.
- Error occurred when opening SQLite files with the same name by double-clicking the database files.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 5 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.9
- Added the ability to copy column name with data and copy records as Insert/Update statements in Query/View Result.
Bug Fixes:
- App Store Essentials version: Fixed unable to copy query by drag-and-drop method.
- Fixed the SQL Azure connection hang issue.
- Fixed the time interval setting issue in Schedule.
- Fixed the multi headers issue when exporting multi SELECT query to XML file.
- Fixed the warning issue when renaming query.
- Fixed unable to handle delimiter statements issue in Execute SQL File.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.8
- Added the ability to copy column name with data in Table Viewer.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed in SSH re-connection.
- Fixed the smart quotes/dashes issue in Query Builder.
- Fixed the data type issue when importing xlsx in Import Wizard.
- Fixed the creation of database/schema issue when no target database/schema name provided in MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL/SQLite Data Transfer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Dec 16 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.7
- Show popup message if errors occur during dumping tables/databases/schemas to SQL file.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when using "Reverse Database to Model" feature.
- Crashed when the connection between server and client is disconnected.
- Unable to scroll on long query.
- Unable to re-send Navicat Cloud verification email.
- Result set scrolled to line 2 after executing the query in OS X 10.10 .
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 2 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.6
- Support NTLMv2 in Windows Authentication for SQL Server.
- Supported copy data as INSERT/UPDATE statements in Table Viewer.
Bug Fixes:
- Wrongly changed field type varchar(400) to BLOB for MySQL version 5.0.4 or above in Data Transfer.
- Editing data was not allowed sometimes in Table Viewer TEXT editor for MySQL/MariaDB.
- Failed to transfer MySQL tables with trigger in Data Transfer.
- The Lock icon position moved up under Environments tab in Preferences.
- Failed to save SID/Service type for Oracle connection after quitting Navicat.
- Unable to copy data of unknown SQLite field type in Table Viewer.
- Error occurred when changing the case of the connection name.
- Crashed when importing database/schema to Model.
- Crashed when creating Navicat Cloud account.
- Wrongly applied "Use smart quotes and dashes" setting in Console.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 13 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.5
Bug Fixes:
- Unable to execute Data Transfer profiles in Batch Job.
- Navicat Cloud login checking restriction.
- The Select/Where/Group By/Having/Order By clasue bar disappeared in Query/View Builder.
- Crashed when saving profiles.
- Failed to import date time field and float number from DBF files..
- Select fields panel in Table Designer did not update after the table was saved.
- INT type values were rounded up when importing XLS files.
- Table Designer view was not displayed corrently in HTTP connections.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 24 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.4
- Customized column width and column order in Table Design are saved.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to run Backup Server jobs for cloud connections in Schedule.
- PostgreSQL JSON type data was unable to show in Table Text Editor.
- Generated wrong query for field name with "." in Filter Wizard.
- Crashed when removing connection from a virtual group.
- Unable to save the Word Wrap setting in Table Text Editor.
- Crashed when creating a new virtual group in fresh installed Navicat.
- Connection list did not refresh automatically after dragging connections between Navicat Cloud and My Connections.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 17 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.3
Bug Fixes:
- App Store Full version: Wrongly changed referenced schema after altered foreign key's referenced schema, table and fields in Table Design.
- The Object list could not display properly in Navicat main window.
- Failed to import all records from xls/xlsx files in Import Wizard.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 15 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.1
- Added Show in Finder feature for Query, Backup and Model.
- Added Open with External Editor feature for Query.
Bug Fixes:
- Press CMD-F again did not highlight the text of the search field in Table Viewer.
- Wrong formatter of Oracle date in Import.
- Crash when control-click a database in connection tree on OS X 10.9 below in Essentials version.
- Failed to save SSH password for Navicat Cloud connection.
- Unable to close Navicat with CMD-Q when opened more than one tabbed windows.
- Unable to perform data synchronization for SQLite databases.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 25 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.1.0
New Features:
- Support to sync selected connection settings, queries, model files and virtual group information to Navicat Cloud. For more information, please visit here.
- Support PostgreSQL 9.3 Materialized View.
- Support adding shapes in Model.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 31 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.20
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when adding foreign key under Table Designer in Data Modeling Tool.
- Crashed when running delimiter statement in MySQL Query Viewer.
- Crashed when opening a SQLite table which contained a self referenced foreign key without the referenced field.
- Paging buttons did not work after applied sorting in PostgreSQL/SQL Server Table Viewer.
- The schema name of inherited table not showed correctly in PostgreSQL Table Designer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 9 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.19
- Support length of SSH password/private key passphrase increased from 99 to 255.
- Support to save name with "/" for Connection Save Path, Query, Import/Export/Backup profile, Backup, Schedule, Model, Data Transfer/Synchronization profile.
- Support syntax "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" and default value "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" for datetime type (since MySQL 5.6.5) in Table Designer.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed after opening Navicat for long time.
- Crashed when prompted to input password for SSH connection in Data Transfer, Data/Structure Synchronization and Server Monitor.
- Reduced the time needed to wait for connection timeout when disconnected to server.
- Non-ASCII characters not able to show in Hex Editor under Table Viewer.
- Some operations in main window did not popup error when error occurred.
- Time in Schedule tab for existing event did not show in MySQL Event Designer.
- When generated update query, identity column did not skip in Import Wizard.
- Crashed when modifying an MySQL/MariaDB error view.
- Website version: "SSH:Unknown Error!" error occured if doing any further action for SSH connection.
- Website version: "Bad Private Key" error occured for SSH with private key connection.
- SQL Azure Table Viewer would hang when refreshing after idled for around 10 mins.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
May 22 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.18
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when copied and pasted a new row and committed the changes by clicking the "tick" button in Table Viewer.
- Crashed when exporting empty string for SQLite unknown type field.
- Export Wizard window did not show up for exporting query results.
- The title in Console window did not update into newly changed connection name.
- When typing single/double quote in Console, the quote would be changed into other char that did not recognized by server.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
May 8 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.17
- Update SQLite to 3.8.4.
- Allow drag to reorder field as default in Table Designer.
- Allow customization for PostgreSQL Index and Trigger items in tool bar.
Bug Fixes:
- Connection password was unable to be saved.
- The database names were truncated and the right half of the list was completely empty under advanced connections list in MySQL/PostgreSQL Connection Properties.
- The state of running in full screen was unable to be saved, so that Navicat only started up in window mode.
- Error message occured while viewing table structure to show the file path.
- Default value '''' turned into ''' in MySQL Table Designer.
- Disabled the vertical elastic effect to avoid wrong colour drawing for row index < 0 in Table Viewer.
- The result dataset did not show warning messages for unknown type query in SQL Server Query Viewer.
- Crashed when getting Oracle Materialised View.
- When previewed and enabled save queries to file, queries were not correctly written to the file in Data Synchronization.
- The file and file size position in Model info view were wrong.
- Crashed when right-clicked on an open area and seleted "Restore Backup".
- The bookmark setting of saved path was incorrect in Backup schedule.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 5 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.16
- Update SQLite to 3.8.2.
- Support unicode61 in SQLite.
- Now only column titles of the first result included when exporting multi dataset to the same file using Export Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- Tab was unable to be dragged and reordered in full screen mode.
- View of storage tab not able to show in SQL Server Table/Index Designer.
- Crashed when using Find function in Table Viewer.
- Copy and Paste did not work on tables with auto-incremented columns while saving a record by clicking "tick" icon in the Table Viewer.
- Crashed after changed the "Use advanced connections" and press "ok" button in MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL Table Viewer.
- Parameter list not able to show while including CHARACTER type in function parameters in MySQL/MariaDB Function Designer.
- Crashed when selecting a suggested word that required quoting in Scintilla auto completion.
- Crashed while scrolling table in Query Builder and exited Navicat.
- int with "." as Thousand Separator did not import correctly in Import Wizard.
- The datetime format showed in the export profile did not match the format used in the original table.
- Date and time were exported incorrectly while using a EDT time zone.
- Message Log was unable to save correctly for the Preview function in Data Synchronization.
- SQL Server 2005 and prior (if any) did not support the multi insert query used in Data Synchronization.
- Foreign key for a composite key was broken into 2 SQL in SQL Server Structure Synchronization.
- Table dataset and collation info on CREATE TABLE queries not able to synchronize in MySQL/MariaDB Structure Synchronization.
- When changing a relation's referencing schema, the relation remained in the table but the relation line in diagram was removed under Table
Designer in Data Modeling Tool.
- Crashed when double-clicking the connection tree under Synchronize to Database in Data Modeling Tool.
- Schedele helper did not work although jobs still run in old version.
- Website version: Typed in the export queries filepath directly would cause file creation error in Data Synchronization.
- App Store version: Removed Oracle SQL*Plus option.
- App Store Essentials version: Crashed when purchasing Code Completion feature without SQL Builder in View Designer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jan 7 2014
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.15
- Improved connection tree behavior in main window.
Bug Fixes:
- Identifier name quoting for SQLite database object name.
- Wrongly showed "Manage Group" menu item in Oracle materialized view and datapump export profile menu.
- Database name was changed if failed to open it.
- Popup menu was shown far away when clicking on Diagram View or Model Design in retina display.
- Crashed when deleting active connection.
- Crashed when typing single digit in hour/minute/second field and press OK in table viewer.
- Unable to show error when getting database on open connection.
- Wrongly transformed MySQL date value in exported file.
- Crashed when closing the Export Wizard for exporting selected row in Table Viewer.
- Limited the number of rows in the exported file when exporting SQL Server table.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 20 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.14
- Disabled zooming by magic mouse in Query Editor.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to open table on Mac OS X 10.6.
- View's virtual group was created in Table object list.
- Unable to add view's profile to the virtual group.
- Identifier name quoting problem in SQLite.
- Unable to duplicate profiles.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 18 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.13
- Added shortcut keys for "Save" and "Save As" in Data Synchronization.
- Enhanced Data Synchronization.
- Allow to select tag to identify data when exporting table to JSON format.
- Improved the update statement when editing SQLite table with rowid primary key in Table Viewer.
- Saved field selection window size in Table Designer.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to duplicate MariaDB tables with virtual columns.
- Failed to copy Binary value in Table Viewer for MySQL 4.1.
- Crashed when running Explain on Mac OS X 10.6.
- After transferred tables with sequences, popup error when insert record in Table Viewer.
- Unable to close Server Monitor's popup dialog in Mac OS X 10.9.
- Enabled Open button and Restore Backup menu item when no backup profile is selected.
- Wrongly quoted the value in Export output file.
- PostgreSQL function "DEFAULT VALUE" was applied to other parameters.
- Failed to show SQL when editing PostgreSQL primary key indexes.
- Failed to save connection order in main window.
- Editor failed to show when first open the Table/View Viewer.
- Unable to save the resultset's column width after re-run the query.
- App Store version: Failed to list tables after connected.
- Website version: Unable to send attachments in Schedule.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 8 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.12
- Support of MariaDB 5.1 or above.
Bug Fixes:
- Command-F unable to close the search function in main window.
- Export Wizard wrongly to get Time Delimiter as Decimal Delimiter.
- Crashed while printing diagram in Data Modeling Tool.
- Data Synchronization dialog window stayed opened.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 31 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.11
- Compatible with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed on tabbed window.
- Failed to import JSON file.
- App Store version: Error on export path during Export Wizard in Mac OS X 10.9.
- Wrongly displayed for the time fraction part of datetime type in SQL Server Table Viewer.
- Crashed when paring "DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR" in SQL Server Query Viewer.
- SQL Server fields did not compare in Structure Synchronization.
- Crashed when opened a linked SQL Server and removed it in main window.
- App Store version: Failed to open SQLite database file.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 30 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.10
- Support of SQLite load_extension by setting sqliteLoadExtension boolean to YES in plist file.
- Suppport larger row limit for xlsx version, 1048576 rows in Export Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- No popup error showed in Table Viewer.
- Failed to find the next match in Find Next action after selecting a cell in Table Viewer.
- Crash occured in Query Editor.
- Fixed the MySQL auto increment value while altering table in Structure Synchronization.
- Duplicated quote occired in PostgreSQL Stored Procedure parameter name.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 9 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.9
- Update SQLite to
- New tab window control.
Bug Fixes:
- Crash occured while deleting tables with foreign keys on ER diagram.
- Options missing in Export profile.
- Fixed support "," in schedule time setup.
- The text colour in Text Editor did not follow the "Common" colour in Preferences.
- Corrupt occured after updating and showing binary type text in Table Viewer.
- After selected a cell in Table Viewer, cmd + F not able to focus on the search field if search bar was already shown.
- Failed to update setting controls immediately after guessing the field type from newly added field name in Table Designer.
- Website version: Failed to show Navicat 10 Import file entries in Navicat 11.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 7 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.8
Bug Fixes:
- Default value of date, time, datetime, timestamp type was not quoted for Create SQL in MySQL Table Designer and Data Transfer.
- Failed to get table privilege for non-dba user in Oracle Privilege Manager.
- Error not log during fetching rows in Data Transfer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 25 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.7
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when set objects as auto-save.
- Failed to save position and size when closing windows.
- Default value was double quoted for Create SQL in MySQL Table Designer and Data Transfer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 23 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.6
- Added Crontab Format: range, list, step to date settings in Schedule.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed while created and saved foreign key in main window with HTTP connection in MySQL/PostgreSQL server.
- Wrong SQL was generated when setting default value to empty string and not able to select "(EMPTY STRING)" after saved in MySQL Table Designer.
- Crashed while parsing Create PostgreSQL function statement for 64 bit version.
- Crashed when opening server/catalog level export profiles.
- Failed to set the string in Export Wizard's export file path text field.
- Failed to open export profile as file in veriosn 11.0.5.
- Failed to import number from Excel in Import Wizard.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jul 10 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.5
- Updated SQLite to 3.7.17.
- Updated libxl to 3.5.3.
- Adjusted caret color same in Scintilla.
- Support sorting items by name inside a virtual group.
- App Store version: Added "Oracle" tab in Preference.
Bug Fixes:
- SSH connection random crashed.
- Fixed number of virtual grouping issues.
- Crashed in Query Viewer.
- Select/Paste function did not work on the newly added rows in Table Viewer/Query Viewer.
- Text/Blob Editor in Table Viewer was reallocated the data in selected cell after refreshed.
- Values did not always change in Table Viewer if modified in Query Viewer.
- Query not found error occured in Query Favorites feature.
- Fixed scrolling issue in MySQL Store Procedure.
- Duplicated foreign keys were showed on ER diagram of PostgreSQL databases upon refresh.
- Export failed in query result.
- When generating create table queries for SQL Server, all numeric fields came with IDENTITY in Data Modeling Tool.
- Crashed in Structure Synchronization.
- Create table for MySQL/Oracle did not work on different source and target version in Structure Synchronization.
- Fixed MySQL auto increment value for create and alter SQL in Structure Synchronization.
- "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now" error occured while creating MySQL new user with table privileges.
- App Store version: "Database file path not correct" error occured for new SQLite database file connection.
- App Store version: Created SQLite database file got removed upon clicking "OK" on connection panel.
- App Store version: Adjusted the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and fixed the bundled OCI library loading path for 32 bit for Oracle.
- App Store version: Error occured when adding images in Data Modeling Tool.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 10 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.4
Bug Fixes:
- MySQL HTTP connection did not work properly.
- Oracle Explain Plan did not get refreshed for new run.
- Junk data inserted into SQLite Table and Query viewer while having columns of unknown data type in Find and replace feature.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 7 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.3
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed occured when MySQL connection opened for a long time.
- SSH Public key settings was unable to be saved in duplicate connection.
- Crashed occured when deleting objects from ER Diagram view.
- Oracle Transactions could not roll back after press the "Begin Transactions" button.
- Random junk inserted into SQLite field.
- Crashed occured when applying filter during the data loading process.
- Crashed occured in Query Editor when running an empty query.
- Progress indicator in Query viewer result kept spinning after rows inserted.
- MySQL View definers was unable to be saved.
- Infinite looping in Export Wizard while exporting selected rows.
- Crashed occured in Server Monitor while getting the process list.
- Data model files not opened while they were not saved in default folder.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
May 26 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.2
Bug Fixes:
- SSH connection would keep asking for public key passphrase even the save passphrase/password was checked.
- Crashed in ER Diagram when loading and showing diagrams simultaneously.
- When exported dataset from and unsaved query, the export file name is now marked as "Untitled".
- Duplicated queries were run when exporting result set in Query Viewer.
- Crashed occured when closing the Export Wizard after exported the result set in Query Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
May 22 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.1
- Improved tab behavior in Navicat main.
- Reduced memory usage when opening Table Viewer.
- Support to print and export PDF files with paper size that not available for the
printer in Data Modeling Tool.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed in Table Designer with HTTP connection established.
- Sorting function did not work properly.
- Find Next/Previous in Find and Replace function went wrong after drag and drop column.
- The result range not highlighted in Find function.
- Blank page appeared in Table Viewer while scrollling down to the end of the page and switching to the last page, when the table contained more than 1000 rows.
- Failed to insert record and receive update error, or crashed when clicked on a cell in Table Viewer while uuid type existed in the PostgreSQL and SQL Server table.
- Links between join tables would lost in Query/View Builder.
- Query was unable to parse the delimiter properly.
- Duplicated queries were run when exporting result set in Query Viewer.
- Failed to load owner list for PostgreSQL.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 30 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 11.0.0
Major New Features:
Native 64-bit version
- New User Interface
- New docking system
- New SSH Manager
- Connection Tree Filter
Table Viewer
- Find and Replace data
- Search Columns
- Support Transaction
Table Designer
- Search Columns
- Field Type Prediction
- Support showing multiple results
Import Wizard
- JSON file
- Excel file 2007 (*.xlsx, *.xlsm)
- MS Acess database (*.mdb, *.accdb)
Export Wizard
- JSON file
- Excel file 2007 (*.xlsx)
- SQL Server Backup
- Oracle Data Pump
- New Registration and Activation System
- New Updater
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 7 2013
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.1.3
Bug Fixes:
- Connection kept opening even the form was closed.
- Table names in ER Disgram view could not be renamed.
- Font size in SQL Editors were too large in retina display.
- Crashed while opening DBF import profile with Field Delimiter = "" in Import Wizard.
- "Disable foreign key checks" option in Data Synchronization was ignored in Schedule.
- MySQL Stored Procedure failed to catch the returned error message when saving an illegal statements.
- Definition in MySQL Function Designer was unable to return correctly with COLLATE attribute.
- Failed to convert PostgreSQL uuid type to target server in Data Transfer.
- "Disable foreign key checks" option in Data Synchronization was ignored in Schedule.
- Error messages occurred in SQLite's SQL Editor/Builder while field/index name contained 'space'.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 15 2012
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.1.2
- Support to show SQLite View column name and types.
- Support Turkish char input in scintilla.
- Allowed to save a export profile for a running query.
Bug Fixes:
- Slow performance experienced when editing on grid due to allocation of field editor menu on demand.
- Export file name with date format was excluded in the saved export profile.
- Incorrect orientation and size were set while printing model in Data Modeling Tool.
- SQLite tables with changed fields were unable to synchronize in Synchronize to Database function under Data Modeling Tool.
- Error messages occurred when adding a MySQL pkey auto-increment column in Synchronize to Database function under Data Modeling Tool.
- Sorting columns with numeric values was not working properly in Server Monitor.
- The MySQL Explain tab in Query did not return error message when query contained a non-existent column.
- Cross data transfer did not success when transfering table comment to target MySQL or PostgreSQL server.
- When scheduling an export job (MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite)with sending mail attachment, the attachment failed when the exported file name contained datetime.
- Close bracket problem in SQLite XML export file.
- Numeric type fields did not accept non-BLOB values in SQLite Table Viewer.
- When the column set to PostgreSQL datetime field having second decimal in timestamp, zeros would be exported in Export Wizard.
- PostgreSQL Table rows could not shown correctly when the number of rows were too large.
- Crashed if Stored Procedure contained syntax error while connecting to SQL Server.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Aug 8 2012
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.1.1
- The full queries are now shown in Tooltips in "Synchronize to Database" under Data Modeling Tool.
Bug Fixes:
- SQLite remote connection failed.
- PostgreSQL Function returned incorrect table type.
- Time zone string returned by PostgreSQL unable to be transferred to SQL Server.
- Scintilla font size doubled in Apple retina display.
- Popup window did not show while clicking on Delete item button with no rows being selected in Table Designer.
- Datetime value was not obtained correctly from ODBC in Import Wizard.
- Index and unique were missing under Data Modeling Tool Table Designer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Jun 15 2012
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.1.0
Improvements on Data Modeling Tool:
- Support Unsigned for MySQL Numeric Type.
- Support Auto Increment for MySQL Integer Type.
- Build model with multiple schemas.
- New wizard "Import from Database".
- New wizard "Synchronize to Database".
- Align/Distribute diagram objects.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Mar 15 2012
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.7
- Increased the limit of number of joins allowed in Query Builder.
- Improved the working area on Query Builder.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the error when running Explain plan for Oracle 9i.
- Fixed the error when importing LOB field in Import Wizard.
- Fixed a crash issue when re-running a query in Query Viewer.
- Fixed the failure of sending email in Schedule.
- Fixed the bug of disabled definition box in PostgreSQL function.
- Fixed the bug on running functions in PostgreSQL function window.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 19 2012
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.6
- Embedded Oracle Full Client instead of Light Client.
- Update the SQLite version to 3.7.10.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the failure of printing PDF in Model Designer.
- Fixed the bug of DISTINCT clause disappeared in Query Editor after using Query Builder.
- Fixed the slow response issue when opening Execute SQL File window.
- Fixed a crash issue when using Beautify SQL.
- Fixed the crash issue when quitting MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle/SQL Server process in Server Monitor.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Dec 9 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.5
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the crash issue when clicking on an object inside a virtual group, having "Click to refresh object list" option was enabled in Preferences.
- Fixed the SQL error when using Custom Filter in Filter Wizard.
- Fixed the bug in Query Builder where functions were not displayed properly.
- Fixed the problem of launching Oracle SQL*Plus.
- Fixed the crash issue in Structure Synchronization when comparing SQL Server tables and views.
- Fixed the SQL Server connection problem when login using Windows Authentication.
- Fixed the bug in schema selection in Execute SQL File on SQL Server connection.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 24 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.4
- SQL scripts copy from Structure and Model Synchronization comparison results are now formatted properly.
- MySQL field orders are now properly synchronized in Structure Synchronization.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the connection issues on some SQL Servers.
- Fixed the crash issue when importing tab-delimited file on Mac OS X 10.5.
- Fixed the problem of importing null values into newly created fields in Import Wizard.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Nov 4 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.3
- Added hidden option to disable transaction in Stored Procedure in MySQL connection.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Data Transfer encoding issue when MySQL charset was disabled.
- Fixed the bug on the comparison of MySQL field character set.
- Fixed the refresh problem after reordered the fields in ER diagram view.
- Fixed the reload time issue after saving table.
- Fixed the wrong listing for target tables in SQL Server Data Synchronization.
- Fixed the bug occurred when selecting weekday in Schedule setup panel.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 30 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.2
New Feature:
- Support connection coloring.
- Settings are now stored in ~/Application Support/PremiumSoft CyberTech folder instead of ~/Application Support/Navicat.
- Support of setting MySQL socket timeout in Connection Properties.
- Support of dumping SQL file with selected tables.
- Added option to enable/disable comparing MySQL character set in Structure Synchronization.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the MySQL/PostgreSQL Structure Synchronization index and default problem.
- Fixed the missing Foreign Keys when reversing tables to model.
- Fixed the issue of selecting wrong database type when reversing tables to model.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 12 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.8
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the problem of wrong encoding used when loading queries.
- Fixed the issue of not saving a Data Synchronization advanced setting as profile.
- Fixed the crash problem when started with the main toolbar hidden.
- Fixed the issue of not quoting keyword when creating MySQL table.
- Fixed the problem of returning wrong value for FOUND_ROWS() MySQL function.
- Fixed the syntax error when transferring index in PostgreSQL.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Sep 6 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 10.0.1
Major New Features:
- Data Modeling Tools.
- ER Diagram view.
- SQL Minifier.
- Database Wide Search.
- Ability to run transaction backup for MySQL database (InnoDB only).
- Added object list in Query Editor.
- Added DDL tab in Object Information.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jun 2 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.7
- SQLite library is updated to version
- Improved the situation of losing connection in MySQL connection.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the occasionally hang problem in Query Builder.
- Fixed the problem of failing to run Data Synchronization batch job.
- Fixed the problem of improperly quoted index expressions in Backup and Table Designer.
- Fixed the problem of occasionally displaying blank cell in Table Viewer.
- Fixed the problem of continuously adding row when pressing Down Arrow button in Table Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Apr 14 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.6
- Shorten the timeout when attempting to reconnect to MySQL server.
Bug Fixes:
- Append/Update option did not work in Import Wizard.
- Unable to list MSSQL 2000 objects for some users.
- Unable to open SQL files with some encodings.
- Fixed the data sync problem on SQLite attached database.
- Fixed the error when inserting empty string to SQLite table.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Feb 21 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.5
- SQLite version 3.7.5 is now used.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to create new MSSQL connection using Windows Authentication.
- Crashed when opening table with VARRAY fields in Oracle Table Viewer.
- Failed to insert value 0 into numeric fields in MSSQL servers.
- Failed to drop existing objects before creating the objects in PostgreSQL connections during the restore process.
- High CPU usage when pausing the process of Data Transfer/Data Sync/Structure Sync/Execute SQL File.
- Cmd-Shift + Arrow Key shortcut keys were improperly overwritten by the shortcut keys of the tabbed windows.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Jan 18 2011
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.4
New Feature:
- Support of SQL Azure.
- More accurately to determine the PostgreSQL system objects.
- Elapsed time is now shown for each query in Query Viewer.
- The first level tag in XML file is now recognized as the record indicator during Import Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- Queries list in main window was not refreshed after transferring queries.
- Crashed when refreshing tables after Record per Page setting had changed in Table Viewer.
- After deleting a record, the next record is now selected instead of the final record in Table Viewer.
- Improper quoting of values in SQLite Table Viewer when inserting or updating records.
- Some value could not be displayed when switching from Grid View to Form View in SQL Server Table Viewer.
- Improper MySQL ENUM fields default values were listed for selection in Table Designer.
- When changing PostgreSQL table structures, improper SQL orders were executed, causing SQL error in some cases.
- Updating SQL Server records improperly used extra fields as update criteria.
- SQL results were unable to shown when some kinds of SQL statements were run in SQL Server Query Viewer.
- Mode selections were ignored under "Advanced Settings" tab in Data Synchronization.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Dec 14 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.3
- SQLite version 3.7.4 is now used.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when synchronizing data between MySQL 4 to MySQL 5.
- Failed to add MySQL object privileges in User Designer form.
- Column level constraints was not recognized in SQLite.
- Foreign keys were referencing to wrong tables after altering tables in SQLite.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Dec 1 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.2
Bug Fixes:
- MySQL Data Synchronization did not working properly
- Crashed when trying to add row in Form Viewer.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.
Nov 25 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.1.0
Major New Features:
- Support of Microsoft SQL Server (2000 to 2008R2).
- Support of MySQL Server 5.5.
- Support of PostgreSQL Server 9.
- Connection to SQL Server through SSH
- Support Keep Connection Alive for Oracle and SQL Server.
- Support of geometry data type for MySQL and SQL Server.
- Support BTREE and HASH index methods for MySQL Server.
- Support of UUID/GUID generator for PostgreSQL/SQL Server.
- Support of SQL Server Code Outline.
- New Privilege Manager.
- Enhanced User/Role Management.
- Data Synchronization performance improved with new engine.
To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. |
Oct 27 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.12
- SQLite version 3.7.3 is now used.
- $user and public are now included in the search path in PostgreSQL connections.
- "Explain Selected" is now added to context menu in Query Viewer.
Bug Fixes:
- Foreign key is now enabled for SQLite connections.
- Failed to save the status of "Save Passphrase" in SSH panel in Connection properties.
- Create time and update time were not displayed properly in MySQL Information View.
- Crashed when applied searching on some columns which were hidden under Show/Hide Columns panel in Table Viewer.
- Crashed when switching from Query Editor to Query Builder with a specific SQL statement.
- Crashed if failed to open view in View Designer.
- Failed to backup binary/varbinary in MySQL server.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Sep 21 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.11
- Shortcut keys are now added back in Query Viewer.
- Text Qualifier can now be manually set during Export Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- Rename PostgreSQL databases did not work properly.
- Duplicated checks were displayed sometimes in Oracle Table Designer.
- Crashed if the returned error messages contain specific character in PostgreSQL/MySQL Query Viewer.
- Long column names were truncated in Query Builder.
- Incorrect time values were sometimes imported during Import Wizard.
- Crashed when importing to SQLite together with Append/Update mode during Import Wizard.
- The running order of the Oracle SQL were re-organized to prevent foreign key constraints failed during Data Transfer and Structure Synchronization.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Aug 30 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.10
- "Test Connection" action can now be canceled in Connection Properties.
- Text Qualifier can now be freely set to any characters during Import Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- If a group contained more than two connections, error would occur when trying to delete the group.
- Null values were inserted on non-edited timestamp field in PostgreSQL Table Viewer may cause errors.
- Updated rows in Query Viewer were reverted back to their previous value after highlighting another rows.
- Navicat hanged when importing multiple files using Import Wizard.
- Error message could not be displayed if "Continue on Error" was not checked in Data Transfer.
- Oracle Foreign keys transferred from one schema to another were mistakenly referring to the source schema during Data Transfer.
- Memory allocation problem when the manual was opened.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jul 29 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.9
Bug Fixes:
- Changes on SSH settings in Connection Properties would only be applied after Navicat restarted.
- In Mac OS X 10.4, Navicat would crash when opening tables with foreign keys.
- PostgreSQL default value button was disabled when switching from NULL to "" in Table Designer.
- PostgreSQL Sequence is now created before creating table during Structure synchronization.
- Menu bar did not display properly when running in Mac OS X 10.4.
- Navicat hanged when switching to some object pages in main window when running in Mac OS X 10.4.
- Some buttons and text were not displayed properly in Mac OS X 10.4.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jul 5 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.8
- Connection name is now shown in the title bar of Console window.
- Oracle keyword "elsif" can now be recognized.
Bug Fixes:
- Query results were unable to be edited under MySQL HTTP Tunnel connection.
- Failed to display MySQL unsigned bigint values properly.
- The referencing database of MySQL/PostgreSQL foreign keys were not properly transferred to files.
- If the decimal symbol was not set as period (.), incorrect decimal values may be imported for excel files.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade
Jun 23 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.7
Bug Fixes:
- HTTP Tunnel did not work properly when some specific characters appeared in username or password.
- Failed to prompt for entering HTTP authentication password even password was not saved.
- MySQL Bit fields were not displayed properly in Console.
- Newline characters were imported improperly into PostgreSQL text fields.
- Data Synchronization did not work for SQLite databases.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jun 9 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.6
- Show the host information under Connection Information view.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to transfer MySQL Foreign Key to target server if the target database name was different to the source database name.
- Memory allocation problem which may cause Navicat to crash when transferring data using Data Transfer.
- Incorrect values were synchronized during Data Synchronization.
- Crashed easily when running queries in Query Viewer.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
May 20 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.5
- Support encrypted SQLite file (wxSQLite3).
- Support to browse SQLite library path.
- SQLite Console now uses Navicat's console instead of using the SQLite binary.
- SQLite Transaction is now used when changing some existing object, preventing accidental dropping of objects.
- If the row is selected, Filter Wizard will now display the words in white color.
- Query Builder supports to show diagram for some incomplete statement.
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when getting server Information on Information View if connection failed.
- Improper join lines were displayed when joining multiple tables in Query Builder.
- Crashed when parsing some improper SQL statements.
- Wrong bit field default values were displayed in Table Designer for MySQL version 5.1.31 or above.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
May 11 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.12
Bug Fixes:
- Wrong Bit field default value got from MySQL Server 5.1.30 or below.
- Crashed when importing to Oracle Server with comma as decimal separator during Import Wizard.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
May 6 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.4
- Added a section in Query View Result tab so that it can now show the sql and the query time.
- Query result data can now be exported even if the sql is not saved.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to edit table data under HTTP Tunnel connection.
- Failed to edit data in Views.
- View Builder could not generate the corresponding GUI component from the query in View Editor.
- Crashed when running SQL query under HTTP tunnel connections.
- Failed to delete data inside the cells in Table Viewer by pressing Delete button.
- SSH Password box disappeared in Connection Properties windows for Oracle connections.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Apr 30 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 9.0.3
- Added shortcut keys for bottom bar buttons in Table Viewer.
- Adjusted the cell editable only when those data is allowed to update in Query Viewer.
- Improved the dynamic width for Code/Word completion window.
- New lines are now not exported as \n during Export Wizard.
- Added Java and XML syntax highlighting for Oracle version.
- In Oracle Code Outline, included parameters in the list under proc/func in simple view.
- In Oracle Code Outline, showed parameters in the label of proc/func in detail view.
- Added button to choose sorting option in Oracle Code Outline.
Bug Fixes:
- Dragging images into Image Editor were converted to tiff format.
- "Format" menu flashed frequently on Mac 10.5.
- SQLite table could not be duplicated if the table name was quoted by `` or [] in the ddl of that table.
- Some SQL statements would cause Navicat crashed when switching to Query Builder.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Apr 16 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.11
Bug Fixes:
- Crashed when comparing non-ascii table name during Structure Synchronization.
- MySQL Event status shown incorrectly in Detail View/Information View.
- Failed to support the case that second is omitted in Oracle Import Wizard (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM").
- Failed to handle Oracle Environmental Path with spaces.
- Hangged when executing some SQL file using Execute SQL File function in Mac 10.6.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Apr 12 2010
Navicat for Premium (Mac) version 9.0.2
Main New Features:
- Support of SQLite.
- Import/Export connection.
- PL/SQL Code Debugger.
- Code outline for Oracle functions/procedures/packages/types.
- Significant Improvements made in code/word completion.
- Code Folding.
- Matched Brace/Bracket Highlighting.
- Parameter Tips.
- Zoom In/Out for SQL editors.
- SQL Beautifier.
- Favorites.
- Object Filter.
- Individual database objects backup.
- Unicode Character Report.
- Auto save in Query, Function etc.
- Custom sort in Tabler Viewer.
- Significant Improvements made in editor and data grid searching.
- Notification email supports SSL/TLS in Schedule.
- History Log Viewer.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Mar 26 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.10
- Maintain Table will now show the full message reported by the server after operation.
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to import xml file with values inside xml attributes during Import Wizard.
- Failed to backup the server in schedules.
- Wrong File menu would be shown sometimes in main window.
- Failed to create PostgreSQL index on fields using names with reserved word in Table Designer.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Feb 11 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.9
- Improved the compatibility in MySQL SSL connection.
- Improved the support of bigger data in each cell of Excel file during Export Wizard.
- It now has no restriction on jointing the data type fields in Query Builder.
Bug Fixes:
- Deadlock occured when opening new windows using SSH Connection.
- Fixed crash problem during Import Wizard.
- The "Run" button would be disabled in some cases even the SQL stopped running in Query Editor.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jan 21 2010
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.8
Bug Fixes:
- Connections were not freed before quitting Navicat.
- Failed to establish MySQL SSL connection.
- Form View would crash when editing with no row selected.
- Timestamp field properties text box was not shown in Oracle Table Designer.
- Data were uneditable in Oracle Form View.
- Improper Ctrl-click menu would be displayed in Table Viewer.
- Wrong linkage was shown for field name with capital letters in Query Builder.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Dec 21 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.7
- MySQL Triggers will now include in Dump SQL file.
- Improved the internal code to avoid some crash that would occur.
Bug Fixes:
- Error would occur when importing date with 2 digit with "Four Digit Years" checked in Import wizard.
- Failed to list MySQL Views in Manage User window.
- MySQL Table Viewer would crash after added a row without changing its value.
- Crashed when saving views with name in capital letter on MySQL server with lower_case_table_names variable not equal to 0.
- MySQL syntax error occurred when creating tables with foreign key in Table Designer.
- Failed to connect to PostgreSQL server on "localhost" but without socket file.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Nov 19 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.6
Bug Fixes:
- Failed to change the definition of an existing MySQL Foreign Key in Table Designer.
- The SQL statement to create foreign key mistakenly included the name of source database in MySQL Structure Synchronization.
- When launched Oracle Console, Terminal window would popup twice.
- Some data would be truncated when getting data from Oracle server.
- When created PostgreSQL database, privileges could not be set at the same time.
- Data Transfer, Data Synchronization and Structure Synchronization Profiles selection box would display improperly if Toolbar Appearance was set as "Text Only".
- Navicat Import Wizard was unable to recognize some xml attributes properly.
- When modified Index in Table Designer, Some changes could not be recognized.
- Failed to display the referencing table list when editing existing Foreign Key in Table Designer.
- The first record could not be selected in Table Form View under Mac OS 10.6.
- Navicat crashed if the network drive could not be found during the Backup process.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Oct 16 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac) version 8.1.5
- Improved compatibility to some ODBC drivers for Import Wizard.
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect use of hexadecimal format in MySQL data types other than BLOB in Data Transfer.
- Data grid was unable to be opened properly when some kind of text were displayed.
- Removed some internal SQL run by Navicat in Query Viewer.
- Unable to change the default value of an existing field from NULL to other values in Table Designer.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Sep 21 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac OS X) version 8.1.4
- Export Wizard is now able to export data filering result.
- Text fields are now imported with text data instead of hex to prevent potential encoding problems which may occur for MySQL server.
Bug Fixes:
- Foreign Key Data Selection window was unable to show Text field data, it showed [TEXT] instead.
- When set Foreign Keys in MySQL Table Designer, foreign key info could not be displayed properly if the Reference Database field included dot character.
- Crashed when saving changes to PostgreSQL Triiger Function.
- SQL*Plus was unable to activate if the paths under Environments tab in Preferences contained spaces.
- When set criteria using BETWEEN keyword in Filter Wizard, error message would occur.
- Crashed when running sql in MySQL 4.1.14.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Sep 1 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac OS X) version 8.1.3
- Compatible with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
- Stability improvement on tabbed window.
Bug Fixes:
- Indexes could not work if user is not superuser.
- Import Wizard would be launched if the Data format was not properly set.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jul 29 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac OS X) version 8.1.2
- Support quitting the Console window by "exit", "quit" or "\q" command for MySQL server.
- Support quitting the Console window by "\q" command for PostgreSQL server
- Improved the stability when running a query.
- Now owners of objects are not compared or transferred in Structure Synchronization and Data Transfer for PostgreSQL server.
- Improved an internal SQL which run slowly in PostgreSQL server.
Bug Fixes:
- Some windows size and position were not saved after closed.
- Recalling multi-line history commands in Console were not displayed properly in MySQL and PostgreSQL server.
- "Copy to Clipboard" did not show host name for MySQL and PostgreSQL server.
- Dump SQL File did not dump the primary key definition for PostgreSQL server.
- Could not recognize the host by host name for PostgreSQL server.
- User defined type fields were not showing the type properly in Table Design (for PostgreSQL server only).
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade |
Jul 15 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac OS X) version 8.1.1
- Support of PostgreSQL server version 8.4.
- Support choosing server version for SQL to be generated in Data Transfer, support more transfer options.
- Added connection tree to support batch jobs from different databases.
- Compatibility and speed improvement in exported excel format.
- Notification email in batch job is now delivered in MIME format.
- Allow setting fonts in Data Grid, and apply Editor Font to View/Edit Text.
- Support Profile and Status in Query View for MySQL server.
- Added DateTime picker in Table View for Oracle server.
Bug Fixes:
- Navicat could not quit normally in some senarios.
- View Builder did not display properly.
- Slow problem when opening Query View.
- Improper ordering of the generated SQL during Structure Synchronization.
- Field lengths are not synchronized correctly for PostgreSQL server.
Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade
Jun 22 2009
Navicat Premium (Mac OS X) version 8.1.0
Main features:
Multi-connections Database Administration tool:
Navicat Premium allows you to perform multiple server administration to MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases from a single interface. It supports most of the features in MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL including:
Latest MySQL versions support
- Compatible with any MySQL server version.
- Support all MySQL objects: tables, views, stored procedures/functions and events.
- Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys and triggers.
- Support of partitioning.
- Support of Unicode / Character Set.
Latest Oracle versions support
- Support Oracle version 8.1, 9i, 10g and 11g.
- Support all Oracle objects: tables (Normal, External and Index Organized), views, procedures/functions.
- Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks and triggers.
- Managing directories, tablespaces, public database links and public synonyms.
- Managing database links, indices, java, materialized views, materialized view logs, packages, sequences, synonyms, triggers, types, XML Schema and Recycle Bin.
- Support of physical attributes.
- Support of Unicode/Character Set.
Latest PostgreSQL versions support
- Support PostgreSQL Server version 7.3 to 8.3.
- Support all PostgreSQL objects: tables, views and functions.
- Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks, rules and triggers.
- Managing tablespace, cast and languages.
- Managing aggregates, conversions, domains, trigger functions, operators and classes, sequences and types.
- Support of character set and Unicode.
Cross-servers Data Manipulation Tools
- Support of transferring data across various database systems.
- Ability to transfer data to a text file with designated SQL format.
- Setting schedule for profiles from different kind of databases.
- Support of sending notification e-mail and attachment for schedule task.
Connection options
- Support of password and public/private key for SSH Tunnel.
- Support of HTTP Tunnel for MySQL and PostgreSQL Servers.
- Support of Oracle Basic and TNS Connection.
- Export Registry Record(.reg) via Navicat Premium.
Well-designed user interface
- Virtual Grouping for connections and objects.
- Customize of connection order.
- Data are well-shown in the tree view.
- Grid View and Form View support.
- Well-described Wizard System.
- Support docking windows.
Powerful data management tool
- Foreign Key Data Selection.
- Supports Parameter Query.
- Import and Export support.
- Data Synchronization support.
- Structure Synchronization support.
- Support of Backup and Restore for MySQL and PostgreSQL Servers.
- Build in MySQL and PostgreSQL Console and Oracle SQL*Plus.
Visual Designer
- Support Code-Completion in SQL editors.
- Support Views in Query Builder.
- Support of Views Builder.
- Support SQL Previewer.
Additional features
- Print Schema / Table Structure
- Support of setting global Row Height and Column Width in table grid.
- Manage Users.
- Server Monitor.
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