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Release Notes


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Mar 14 2025
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.2.3


  1. Crashed when connecting using SSH tunnel in some cases.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 13 2025
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.2.2

Main New Features:

  1. Support AI Assistant
  2. Support managing Snowflake database
  3. Data Modeling supports Data Vault and Dimensional modeling methods
  4. Data Modeling supports forwarding engineering to MongoDB database
  5. BI data source supports data profiling
  6. Structure Synchronization supports MongoDB database
  7. Filter & Sort pane in Table Viewer supports Text mode
  8. Some minor bug fixes and usability improvements

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 6 2025
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.13


  1. Error occurred when saving changes in PostgreSQL Function.
  2. Crashed when reversing PostgreSQL schema to model.
  3. Undoing changes in a function incorrectly cleared all code.
  4. Time values imported from Access database were incorrect.
  5. Failed to transfer MySQL Function in some cases.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 16 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.12


  1. The "New Table"/"New Collection" column was empty when dragging and dropping a file to import.
  2. Unable to handle CASE statement when using Query Builder.
  3. Access Violation error occurred when copying procedure results.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 10 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.12


  1. Oracle query only accepted SCHEMA.TABLE syntax.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 28 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.11


  1. Unable to show tables when using Oracle OS authentication.
  2. PostgreSQL timestamp data were exported incorrectly.
  3. Crashed when backing up PostgreSQL schema in some cases.
  4. "ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression" error occurred when opening PostgreSQL tables.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 20 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.11


  1. Unable to backup with Automation.
  2. Unable to show tables when using Oracle OS authentication.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 12 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.10


  1. Support TiDB.


  1. Multi-line editing did not work in Query Editor.
  2. Crashed when deleting "My Connections".
  3. Crashed when copying UPDATE statements from query results.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 4 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.9


  1. Crashed when sorting data.
  2. Incorrect database name assigned when using "Synchronize Database To Model".
  3. "Invalid Stored Procedure Syntax" error occurred when saving PostgreSQL functions.
  4. Unable to change primary key name.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 28 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.7


  1. Unable to display Chinese characters in the bookmark outline of the data dictionary PDF file.
  2. Unable to import Access file when 32-bit Office installed.
  3. The Fields pane always displayed when opening table.
  4. Incorrect CREATE INDEX statement was displayed in the DDL pane.
  5. Column sizes did not persist when refreshing table.
  6. Crashed when using "Filter & Sort".
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 8 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.5


  1. Error occurred when duplicating SQL Server tables.
  2. Response was slow when hovering over the menu bar.
  3. Crashed when starting Navicat in some cases.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 27 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.3


  1. Support GaussDB(DWS) and openGauss.


  1. Unable to import all records from a file in some cases.
  2. Crashed when generating data dictionary for SQLite.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 10 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.2


  1. Unable to show "SECURITY DEFINER" in the function definition.
  2. Source connection info was not pre-populated in the Structure Synchronization window.
  3. Incorrectly importing timestamp timezone values into PostgreSQL tables.
  4. No tables listed when reverse engineering SQL Server databases to model.
  5. Model diagram disappeared when hovering over.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 20 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.1.0

Main New Features:

  1. Support Microsoft Garnet
  2. Support Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for MySQL, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for PostgreSQL, Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for Xscale
  3. Support Visual Query Explain for SQL Server, MongoDB and OceanBase (MySQL Mode)
  4. Support Tree View for Redis Data
  5. Enhanced Query Editor
  6. Enhanced BI Feature
  7. Support Conceptual Models Comparison
  8. New Filter & Sort Layout
  9. Many other new features and improvements

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 5 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.13


  1. Generated incorrect rule information in Data Dictionary.
  2. Crashed when clicking the Options button in the Data Generation window.
  3. Error occurred when dumping PostgreSQL table structure.
  4. Incorrect Boolean values were transferred when transferring PostgreSQL tables.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 10 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.12


  1. Values of type BIT were transferred incorrectly.
  2. PostgreSQL timestamp data were exported incorrectly.
  3. Did not include schema names in Redshift queries.
  4. Foreign keys were not deleted when deleting the parent table in the model.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 19 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.8


  1. Invalid file format error occurred when opening a model workspace.
  2. Crashed when opening a model workspace in some cases.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 13 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.7


  1. Crashed when backing up PostgreSQL schema in some cases.
  2. Keyboard support failure in Data Viewer.
  3. The reference field was not updated when changing the primary key field in the model.
  4. Non-filtering objects did not hide in the overview navigator of ER Diagram.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 27 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.4


  1. Crashed when reversing SQL Server database to model.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 13 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 17.0.3

Main New Features:

  1. All-New Model Workspace
  2. Data Profiling
  3. Data Dictionary
  4. Query Pinned Result
  5. Visual Query Explain
  6. Table/Collection Profile
  7. Navicat URI
  8. Manage Connection
  9. Enhanced BI Feature
  10. Visual Aggregation Pipeline
  11. Focus Mode
  12. Support Redis Sentinel
  13. Many other new features and improvements

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 16 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.9


  1. Incorrect SQL format when dumping Mariadb table.
  2. Syntax error occurred when transferring tables with escape characters.
  3. Unable to show data in some cases.
  4. Unable to connect Azure CosmosDB using SSH tunnel.
  5. Unable to connect PostgreSQL in some cases.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 29 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.8


  1. Crashed when PostgreSQL connection was lost.
  2. Primary key index incorrectly displayed when data type was citext.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 21 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.7


  1. Importing data to Redshift was slow.
  2. Crashed when importing paradox files.
  3. Failed to import JSON file from web service.
  4. Unable to transfer data from Redshift.
  5. Refresh button did not work in Server Monitor.
  6. Some labels disappeared after adding the chart to the dashboard.
  7. Unable to display proportion percentages in the chart axis.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 11 2024
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.5


  1. Support multi-host for GaussDB Centralized.


  1. The percentage values shown in the chart were incorrect.
  2. Not all data was imported when scheduling import.
  3. Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing data.
  4. Code Completion did not work properly in SQL Server queries.
  5. The comment code shortcut did not work in some cases.
  6. Unknown Internal Error occurred when transferring data.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 1 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.3


  1. Support Huawei Cloud GaussDB Distributed.
  2. Support enabling or disabling "Detect Data Types" in Import Wizard.
  3. Support ssh agent using pageant unix mode.


  1. Primary keys were not displayed for PostgreSQL partitioned tables.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 7 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.2


  1. Unable to show the privileges of "public" in PostgreSQL Privilege Manager.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 17 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.3.0


  1. Support Redis Cluster.
  2. Support MongoDB Time-Series Collection.
  3. Support setting MySQL descending primary key.


  1. Naming issue in the Foreign Keys tab of SQL Server Table Designer.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 3 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.11


  1. Crashed when opening Charts workspaces in some cases.
  2. "The number of row value expressions in the INSERT statement exceeds the maximum allowed number of 1000 row values." error occurred when importing data to SQL Server.
  3. Unable to show all documents in Serverless MongoDB Atlas.
  4. Missing parameters when transferring MariaDB Functions.
  5. Crashed when scheduling import jobs.
  6. 1064 error occurred when running query to create stored procedure in some cases.
  7. Missing records when importing files in some cases.
  8. Special characters were garbled when using double-click to add a snippet to the query.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 7 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.10


  1. Crashed when importing Access files.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 28 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.8


  1. Support Huawei Cloud GaussDB Centralized.
  2. Auto guess field types when importing xlsx files.


  1. Beautify SQL incorrectly added spaces between the function name and parentheses.
  2. Unable connect to MySQL via SSH tunnel in some cases.
  3. Dump SQL File did not correctly generate DEFAULT PARTITION.
  4. "Parameters supplied for object 'xxx' which is not a function" error occurred when adding record in some cases.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 14 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.7


  1. Incorrectly triggering code completion when pressing ENTER in Query Editor.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 7 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.6


  1. Support JSON key type for Redis.


  1. Unable to close tabs in some cases.
  2. Slashes (\) were removed from triggers when synchronizing MariaDB structures.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 14 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.5


  1. "Implicit conversion from data type" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server data.
  2. The default directory of new SQL Server database was incorrect.
  3. Unknown Internal Error occurred when connecting to Redis.
  4. Cannot type a new name for the table in Import Wizard.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 19 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.3


  1. Expressions for virtual columns were truncated.
  2. Unable to display SQLite BLOB data.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 9 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.2


  1. Support unix socket forwarding in SSH.


  1. Unable to connect SQL Server using the Encrypted option.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 31 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.2.1

Main New Features:

  1. Support Redis connections.
  2. View, edit, search and sort Redis keys and data with Data View.
  3. Capture and analyze Redis Pub/Sub messages in real-time.
  4. Support local backup and restore of Redis databases.
  5. Intuitive interface for editing Redis users and ACLs.
  6. Redis Console with syntax highlight and code completion.
  7. Well-formatted Redis query results.
  8. Automate Redis backup and query execution.
  9. Command Monitor and Server Monitor for real-time monitoring of Redis.
  10. Support sequence design for MariaDB.
  11. Show fields, indexes and more under tables in Navigation Pane.
  12. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  13. Navicat for Redis is released.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 26 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.15


  1. High CPU usage when using SSH connection.
  2. "permission denied for view geometry_columns" error occurred when opening PostgreSQL table.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 17 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.12


  1. Unable to Import MySQL Longtext data to SQL Server.
  2. Query Builder window was larger than the screen in some cases.
  3. Unable to display full server output in Query's Message tab.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when clicking the last page button in MongoDB query results.
  5. Modifying PostgreSQL table with a geometry field and no primary key did not take effect.
  6. Unable to display the data differences of TEXT fields in Data Synchronization.
  7. The second field was selected when adding a sort condition in Table Viewer.
  8. Crashed when stopping Data Transfer process.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 13 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.11


  1. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 1 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.9


  1. Support OceanBase Oracle Mode.


  1. Memory utilization issue.
  2. Modification did not take effect on tables with geometry fields and no primary key.
  3. Table Viewer did not show the SQL if errors occurred.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 8 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.8


  1. Unable to save changes after deleting a cell value in Table Viewer.
  2. Access violation error occurred when opening a model.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 31 2023
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.7


  1. Support MariaDB UUID type.
  2. Support the PARALLEL option for PostgreSQL functions.


  1. Cannot display column comment when mouse over in dark mode.
  2. "Default or null are not allowed as explicit identity values" error occurred when inserting a row in SQL Server table.
  3. Missing $$ quotes in PostgreSQL function definition.
  4. Cannot delete document after clicking the last page button.
  5. Data Synchronization did not work in Automation.
  6. "Failed to send mail. Stream error." occurred when sending email.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 12 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.6


  1. Unable to list tables or views in Azure SQL Database connection.
  2. "Cannot open source table" error occurred when using Condition Query in Import Wizard.
  3. Exporting to Excel file was slow.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 5 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.29


  1. Failed to transfer large tables.
  2. Real data exported as text when exporting SQLite table to Excel.
  3. Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data.
  5. SQL Server datetimeoddset column did not display the timezone offset.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 21 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.4


  1. 1267 error occurred when clicking the "Users" button.
  2. Unable to connect Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Azure Active Directory Authentication.
  3. Bar chart label display issue.
  4. Unable to export Excel file in some cases.
  5. Hanged when transferring tables.
  6. Unable to connect CockroachDB Serverless.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 28 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.3


  1. Unable to connect server using HTTP tunnel in some cases.
  2. Font size issue in Form View.
  3. Unknown Internal Error occurred when adding records in SQL Server Views.
  4. Field size was not retained in SQLite table designer.
  5. Buttons in the lower right corner of the main window were missing in some cases.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 31 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.2


  1. Crashed when changing the chart type in some cases.
  2. Hanged when deleting a table in Query Builder.
  3. Text color issue in Dark Mode.
  4. Unable to generate CREATE PROCEDURE SQL in Data Transfer.
  5. Dump Script File feature generated an invalid JSON.
  6. Unable to connect AWS RDS database via SSH.
  7. Backup and Dump SQL File was slow in some cases.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 16 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.1


  1. Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window.
  2. The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter.
  3. Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases.
  4. Unable to use "Copy As" in View results.
  5. Crashed when opening functions in some cases.
  6. Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up.
  7. Unable to open schema in Azure SQL.
  8. Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter.
  9. Decimal separator issue in SQLite.
  10. Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 21 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.1.0

Main New Features:

  1. Support OceanBase Community Edition.
  2. Support Trend Line for several chart types.
  3. Support adding On-Prem Server with URI.
  4. Allow skip preview of changes in data sync.
  5. Enhanced responsiveness and performance.
  6. Improved UI/UX.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 14 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.14


  1. Query parameters did not work in some cases.
  2. Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases.
  3. Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 16 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.13


  1. Crashed when opening large tables.
  2. Incorrect MySQL auto increment value in Table Designer.
  3. SQL Server datetimeoddset column did not display the timezone offset.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 4 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.12


  1. Wrong time zone was added to TIMESTAMP field when exporting CSV file.
  2. Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization.
  3. Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data.
  4. Unable to sign in Subscription plan.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 29 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.11


  1. Crashed when running Automation in some cases.
  2. Missing the first record when import.
  3. Unable to connect Azure SQL in some cases.
  4. Unable to locate project when running batch job.
  5. Unable to get table information when scheduling data synchronization.
  6. Refresh button ran all SQLs in Query Editor.
  7. .0000 data export issue.
  8. Function execution message log issue.
  9. Access Violation error occurred when removing default value.
  10. Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer.
  11. Real data exported as text when exporting SQLite table to Excel.
  12. Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency.
  13. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 1 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.10


  1. Unable to close the error dialog when changing field name in model canvas.
  2. Unable to connect to MySQL using named pipe in some cases.
  3. Syntax error occurred when using Structure Synchronization in some cases.
  4. Unable to close the error dialog when editing chart y-axis range.
  5. Unable to update the default value of mediumtext field.
  6. Unable to add table/field comment to SQL Azure model.
  7. Failed to transfer large tables.
  8. SSH connection issue when using Automation.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 18 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.28


  1. The messages combined together when running multiple statements in SQL Server.
  2. "Structure Synchronization" incorrectly detected Collate differences in some cases.
  3. Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table.
  4. Incorrect END clause in SQL when creating MariaDB Event.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 13 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.9


  1. The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases.
  2. "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 3 2022
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.7


  1. Unable to show data when using HTTP tunnel.
  2. Unable to show utf8mb4 data.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 15 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.6


  1. Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud.
  2. Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud.
  3. Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table.
  5. Unable to view and edit user/role privileges.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 7 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.4


  1. Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table.
  2. Notification Email authentication failed in some cases.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 23 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 16.0.3

Main New Features:

  1. New Data Generation Tool
  2. Enhanced Charts Feature
  3. Support of Navicat On-Prem Server

Additional Features:

  1. Connection Profiles
  2. Field Information Pane
  3. PostgreSQL Extensions Management
  4. Query Execution Summary
  5. Navicat On-Prem Server is released
  6. Many other new features and improvements

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 9 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.27


  1. Double foreign key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF file.
  2. Access violation error occurred when searching in the Backup's Object Selection tab.
  3. No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file.
  4. Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database.
  5. Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud.
  6. Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 28 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.26


  1. Support Retryable Writes and Retryable Reads for MongoDB.
  2. Support tunneling on PHP 8.


  1. Unable to show accurate value of Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type.
  2. Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases.
  3. Wrong SQL generated when comparing SQL Server tables with different constraint names.
  4. An empty string was not quoted when exporting to a text file.
  5. Query was garbled when the system locale set to Japanese.
  6. Export/Import profile did not work if it was copied to Desktop.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 26 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.25


  1. Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.05 M records to Excel file.
  2. Unable to rename Oracle views when the "Use custom database list" option is enabled.
  3. Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field.
  4. Hanged when designing a table with many fields.
  5. Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another.
  6. Unable to display the definition of SQLite View in some cases.
  7. Relation lines were disappeared after saving and reopening Logical Model.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 15 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.23


  1. Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database.
  2. Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB.
  3. ER diagram was reloaded when clicking the Design Table button.
  4. Unable to toggle "Virtual Type" in an existing table.
  5. Error 1227 occurred when creating or designing a table.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 13 2021
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.22


  1. Incorrect CREATE INDEX statements were generated when comparing PostgreSQL model.
  2. MySQL/MariaDB connection encoding issue.
  3. Error occurred when debugging PostgreSQL functions.
  4. Wrong MySQL version was detected for Microsoft Azure connection.
  5. Numeric data was shown as String in the chart data source.
  6. Unable to change the owners of PostgreSQL functions.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 22 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.28


  1. Unable to show user's database privileges in MySQL 5.0.
  2. Unable to change the label text color in Report's header.
  3. Incorrect default value was displayed for BIT field in a new record.
  4. Incorrect Foreign Key ALTER statements were generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL table structures.
  5. Notification email subject was incorrect when the job finished unsuccessfully.
  6. Cursor focusing issue when using Find feature in Table Viewer.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 15 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.21


  1. Queries cannot be displayed when "Settings Location" was set to a network path.
  2. Error 80041318 occurred when setting schedule .
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 8 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.20


  1. Slow response when querying the full collection count.
  2. Flashed in dark mode.
  3. "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule.
  4. Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field.
  5. Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles.
  6. Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 3 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.19


  1. Unable to import MEMO data from DBF files.
  2. Unable to reconnect SSH connection after the PC woke up.
  3. Unable to display SQLite view definition in some cases.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when executing Oracle's package body.
  5. Crashed when setting multiple cells to NULL in Table Viewer.
  6. ORA-01002 error occurred when migrating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL.
  7. Unable to display full Oracle view definition in some cases.
  8. Incorrect PostgreSQL function definition was displayed in some cases.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 15 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.18


  1. "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables.
  2. Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer.
  3. "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer.
  4. Memory leak issue when enabled code completion.
  5. "Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema.
  6. "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data.
  7. Slow issue when transferring large tables.
  8. Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard.
  9. Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer.
  10. "Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables.
  11. Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name.
  12. "Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema.
  13. Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2.
  14. "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures.
  15. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 22 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.17


  1. Differences were detected when re-comparing the model and the database.
  2. Unable to synchronize large ndm2 model files to Navicat Cloud.
  3. Unable to show users' database privileges in MySQL 5.0.
  4. Negative default value displayed as "-" in MariaDB.
  5. Drop-down list was blank in Table Designer.
  6. Unable to scroll after switching the query results to Form view.
  7. Wrong SQL generated when adding aggregates using Query Builder in SQL Server.
  8. Double quotes were added to the fields of a compound index in Oracle.
  9. Syntax error occurred when transferring data between two MySQL 8 servers.
  10. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 3 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.16


  1. Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server.
  2. Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file.
  3. Display export profiles in the same group of queries.


  1. The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly.
  2. Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0 .
  3. Unable to set data to NULL in query results.
  4. Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset.
  5. Pasting data into a column cleared another column data.
  6. Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases.
  7. "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background.
  8. The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard.
  9. Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice.
  10. "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart.
  11. Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
  12. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 6 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.14


  1. Unable to set the identity seed and increment in PostgreSQL models.
  2. Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19.
  3. Unable to connect AnalyticDB.
  4. Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization.
  5. Unable to export data to .mdb files.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 15 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.13


  1. MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing.
  2. Unknown Internal error occurred when opening Oracle tables.
  3. Syntax error occurred when creating events.
  4. Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer.
  5. Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list.
  6. Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model.
  7. Data Pump Import's Table Exists Action drop-down list options were incorrect.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 24 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.12


  1. Incorrect SQL generated when transferring Oracle tables.
  2. Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections.
  3. Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database.
  4. Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field.
  5. Unable to import data to PostgreSQL array fields.
  6. Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization.
  7. Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias.
  8. Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 28 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.27


  1. Query wrongly returned null results in some cases.
  2. Unable to update bit type data.
  3. Datetime format issue when exporting to Excel files.
  4. Query Results Text pane appended values of the selected cells.
  5. Syntax error occurred when renaming an index in MariaDB table.
  6. "No such column" error when adding column to SQLite table.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 27 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.11


  1. Query wrongly returned null results in some cases.
  2. "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer.
  3. Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 19 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.10


  1. Added "Table Relation" and "Field Relation" options to Query Builder.
  2. Added Connection Coloring to Query windows.


  1. Unknown Internal Error occurred when starting Navicat in some cases.
  2. Crashed when importing two XML files.
  3. Popup menu was missing when right-clicking on stored procedure results.
  4. The performance of Privilege Manager was slow.
  5. Unable to synchronize decimal data from MariaDB to MySQL 8.0.
  6. Refresh button in Privilege Manager did not pull the latest privileges.
  7. Differences were detected after synchronizing model to database.
  8. Syntax error occurred when saving procedures in some cases.
  9. Datetime functions generated text in exported Excel files.
  10. Hanged when searching regular expression in Query Editor.
  11. Error occurred when transferring computed columns from SQL Server to another SQL Server.
  12. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 16 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.9


  1. Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 15 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.8


  1. Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model.


  1. Unable to update bit type data.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 9 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.7


  1. The "Others" button was missing for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server connections.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 6 2020
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.6


  1. Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor.


  1. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases.
  2. Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer.
  3. Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane.
  4. Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table.
  5. "No such column" error occurred when adding field to SQLite table.
  6. Explain feature did not work with query parameters.
  7. Interval type was not supported in Charts.
  8. Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 19 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.26


  1. Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB.
  2. Crashed when running COPY XXX FROM STDIN query.
  3. Table name was changed in View definition when altering SQLite table structure.
  4. Wrong options were selected when loading another Data Transfer profile.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 19 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.5


  1. OCI Environment setting was unable to save.
  2. "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder.
  3. Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files.
  4. int8 type was converted to int8(255) when synchronizing model to PostgreSQL server.
  5. Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 9 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.4


  1. Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project.
  2. Access Denied error occurred when designing table.
  3. Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list.
  4. Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected.
  5. Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme.
  6. Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model.
  7. MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer.
  8. Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file.
  9. Data Transfer high memory consumption issue.
  10. Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB.
  11. Run queries slow issue.
  12. Unable to set Numeric field without precision in PostgreSQL server.
  13. "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges.
  14. "Last Tab Window" option was missing.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 25 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 15.0.3

New Features:

  1. New Charts
  2. Advanced Data Transfer
  3. Brand new Query Builder
  4. Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
  5. Dark theme UI and Diagram
  6. Many other new features and improvements

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 31 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.25


  1. SQLite library is updated.
  2. Support SQLite Windows Functions.


  1. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when debugging PostgreSQL functions.
  2. Unable to list tables when connecting to MyCat.
  3. Unable to list external tables when connecting to Redshift.
  4. Down arrow key did not highlight table grid cell in some cases.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 2 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.24


  1. Failed to update records in table viewer.
  2. "Input profile is invalid" error occurred when opening export query profiles.
  3. Tab was exported instead of "," when scheduling to export CSV files.
  4. Automation was failed when scheduling export profile and import profile.
  5. Unable to copy and paste "," comma decimal separator.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 17 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.23


  1. Export process was slow.
  2. Error occurred when editing Stored Aggregate Functions.
  3. Unable to restore tables that included "pg_catalog"."name" type.
  4. Unable to dump the default value of TIMESTAMP field.
  5. Synchronize to Database feature wrongly detected differences of unique constraints.
  6. Unable to show multiple values for list partitioning in PostgreSQL partition table.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 1 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.22


  1. Copy and paste data issue in Table Viewer.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 30 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.21


  1. Unable to list users for MariaDB 10.4.
  2. Code Completion did not work in some cases.
  3. Unable to import signed numbers when there was spaces between the sign and the number.
  4. A double quote was added to the JSONB column index (PostgreSQL).
  5. Unable to map a source field to multiple target fields in Import Wizard.
  6. DELIMITER statements did not work in Console.
  7. "Synchronize to Database" incorrectly detected differences for unique constraints (PostgreSQL).
  8. "Cannot open file" error occurred when scheduling export profiles in some cases.
  9. "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON for table" error occurred when transferring tables (SQL Server).
  10. Unable to show empty fields in query result sets.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 10 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.20


  1. "syntax error at end of input" error occurred when running CREATE RULE statement in Query Editor.
  2. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when opening Table Designer.
  3. "syntax error at or near "VERBOSE"" occurred when using Vacuum Analyze on PostgreSQL 11 tables.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 23 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.19


  1. Text editor did not display the full text in some cases.
  2. Data Synchronization inserted values into Generated Columns.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 17 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.18


  1. Error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4.0.
  2. Unable to execute SQL files that contain "NaN" values.
  3. Primary Key checkbox was deselected when tabbing to the next field in Table Designer.
  4. "Unknown Internal" error occurred when importing data.
  5. The DDL of PostgreSQL tables with "tstzrange" data type was incorrect.
  6. Table Designer cannot show the definition of MySQL 5.0 triggers.
  7. Unable to set the precision of "datetime2" data type to 0 in Table Designer.
  8. The deployment scripts generated incorrect default value in Structure Synchronization.
  9. "Access Violation" error occurred after editing the data pipeline in Report.
  10. "Unknown Internal" error occurred when using Automation.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 21 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.17


  1. SQLite table structure cannot be modified when using an HTTP tunnel.
  2. Query result pane size did not retain after minimizing the window.
  3. Paradox tables cannot be imported.
  4. Unknown Internal error occurred when importing data.
  5. Unknown Internal error occurred when opening GridFS Buckets.
  6. "On Update Current Timestamp" option did not reflect the settings when using ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode.
  7. Column order was incorrect when importing database to model.
  8. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 26 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.16


  1. "Replace All" button was unable to replace the last occurrence in Query Editor.
  2. Code completion suggestion list did not show on the same screen as the editor.
  3. Crashed when opening Oracle table with Spatial data.
  4. A table was mistakenly transferred even it was not selected.
  5. Incorrect syntax highlighting issue in Query Editor.
  6. MySQL trigger definition displayed \\ as \ .
  7. Unable to transfer unique index from MySQL to SQLite.
  8. Filter criteria input box was not retained when switching applications.
  9. Drag and drop selected text on Query Editor did not move the text.
  10. JSON expression did not display correctly in Table Designer.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 13 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.15


  1. Add a "Drop with CASCADE" option for deleting PostgreSQL objects.


  1. Crashed when opening Oracle table with Spatial data.
  2. "Cannot add foreign key constraint" error occurred when importing Access file.
  3. Code completion box displayed off the bottom of the screen and partially obscured.
  4. Unable to customize query result tab name by using /*NAME:XYZ*/ .
  5. Hanged when executing script files in MongoDB server.
  6. Boolean or BIT(1) values importing, exporting and transferring issue.
  7. Copying table field names in Table Designer was slow.
  8. Table Form view was unable to show jpg images.
  9. Unable to import data when using Append/Update mode.
  10. Importing files to Oracle server was slow.
  11. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 10 2019
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.12


  1. Error occurred when modifying a MongoDB view and auth was enabled.
  2. Unable to change variable's value when debugging Oracle function.
  3. SQL order issue in Structure Synchronization.
  4. Console window was not colored when connection coloring were set.
  5. Unable to specify the minimum property when designing a collection in MongoDB.
  6. Unable to save PostgreSQL function in some cases.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 23 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.10


  1. Added the "Include Owner" or "Include Definer" option in Data Transfer.


  1. Geometry field precision was lost when transferring MySQL/MariaDB tables.
  2. Field types and length did not show in PostgreSQL Table Designer when using HTTP tunnel connection.
  3. List index out of bounds error occurred when inserting data in Table Viewer.
  4. Unable to shrink the last column on the Process List tab in Server Monitor.
  5. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 6 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.9


  1. Added the "PostgreSQL 11" option in Model.
  2. Added the "Compare owners" option in Structure Synchronization.


  1. Slow performance when editing users and roles.
  2. Structure Synchronization detected differences for identical SQL Server tables.
  3. "SQLite function XXX cannot linked" error occurred after replacing the sqlite3.dll file.
  4. Unable to show the ROWID column when running Oracle queries.
  5. RAISE NOTICE output was not printed.
  6. Unable to connect SQL Server when VPN connection was active.
  7. Floating point numbers were rounded to decimals when import.
  8. <html> tag was repeated twice when exporting HTML files.
  9. "Add Database to List" button was enabled when the "Use custom database list" option was not checked.
  10. Only the last output was printed when running multiple SQL Server Print() commands.
  11. SQL Server MERGE statement only can terminated by a semi-colon (;).

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 5 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.8


  1. Custom Filter was cleared when editing it.
  2. DBMS Output result was incomplete.
  3. HTML export did not specify charset.
  4. "Show/Hide Columns" option was missing in Form View.
  5. The hidden Information pane was shown when switching from Form View to Grid View.
  6. Cursor focus issue in Form View.
  7. Code Completion did not work in some cases.
  8. "Unterminated quoted string" error occurred when restoring backup in some cases.
  9. Link connection from Oracle to SQL Server failed in some cases.
  10. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 10 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.7


  1. "SQLite function sqlite_libversion cannot linked" error occurred when starting Navicat.
  2. Unknown Internal Error occurred when using foreign key data selection feature in SQL Server.
  3. Unable to scroll inside the text box in Form View.
  4. Slow issue when managing PostgreSQL Role.
  5. "is in list" operator in Filter Wizard did not working correctly.
  6. Structure Synchronization compared table options.
  7. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 21 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.6


  1. Unknown Internal Error occurred when showing data "{}" in TEXT editor.
  2. Precision value in CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) was missing when synchronizing structure.
  3. Error occurred when editing SQL Server data.
  4. BIGINT was exported as float when exporting Excel file.
  5. Esc shortcut did not work when error occurred during deleting records.
  6. Error occurred when renaming an existing column and adding a new one.
  7. Filter value did not displayed when the string exceeded 5880 characters.
  8. Unable to display the columns list in Table Designer's Index tab when there was no index.
  9. Unable to apply Filter profile.
  10. Unable to scroll to right in Filter Wizard.
  11. PostgreSQL Debugger did not work in some cases.
  12. "Date" and "Time" field data were shown as blank in Table Viewer.
  13. Opening Design Table froze in large database.
  14. "Open Table" and "Design Table" were not properly synchronized.
  15. Import Target and Field Mapping changed after changing the source file in profile.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 31 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.5


  1. Improved Filter Wizard.
  2. Supported expression for default field value in Table Designer.


  1. Crashed when applying filter in Foreign Key Selection window.
  2. Error occurred when synchronizing PostgreSQL structure.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 26 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.1.4

Main New Features:

  1. Support of MongoDB
  2. Support Roles for MySQL 8
  3. Support Roles for MariaDB 10
  4. Support Partitioned Table for PostgreSQL 10
  5. Brand new Filter Wizard
  6. UI and UX Improvement
  7. Navicat for MongoDB is released

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 29 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.29

Bug Fixes:

  1. File encoding was incorrect when transferring database to SQL file.
  2. The generated CREATE PROCEDURE statement was incorrect when dumping database to SQL file.
  3. Structure Synchronization detected differences after synchronizing.
  4. Incorrect unique values were imported from .dbf file.
  5. Crashed when saving the modified field names in some cases.
  6. Extra "(" was added to INSERT statements when deploying scripts in Data Synchronization.
  7. Foreign keys were not transferred when transferring tables from MySQL to SQLite.
  8. Unable to restore LONGTEXT data completely from .psc file.
  9. .ndm file association was not worked.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 8 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.28


  1. Supported to connect MySQL 8 using SHA2 connection.

Bug Fixes:

  1. 80041318 error occurred when saving a task schedule.
  2. The cursor position row moved to the bottom line after saved the procedure/function.
  3. "XXX is not a valid value" error occurred when editing a PostgreSQL model table in some cases.
  4. Syntax error occurred when updating MySQL user password.
  5. Transaction did not end after closing the table in some cases.
  6. Error occurred when there was a "CRLF" character in Oracle procedure.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 25 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.27

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to transfer objects between different server types by drag-and-drop.
  2. Zero decimal place digits were not displayed in Table Viewer.
  3. "Double" format issue for SQL Server in Table Viewer.
  4. Exported SQL file did not have table name when exporting an unsaved query.
  5. Incorrect SQL "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0)" was dumped for MariaDB 5.5 tables.
  6. The privileges of PostgreSQL functions with parameters were not visible in Privilege Manager.
  7. Error occurred when transferring BLOB data from MySQL to SQL Server.
  8. Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing from ODBC.
  9. Incorrect dates were exported when exporting PostgreSQL tables to Excel files.
  10. Syntax error occurred when importing CSV files in some cases.
  11. Database names were missing in the Drop SQL generated by Structure Synchronization.
  12. ORA-01830 error occurred when transferring tables to Oracle server in some cases.
  13. Unable to change the Tab Width in Query Editor.
  14. Unable to edit query results when tables had alias.
  15. Procedure parameters were missing in the scripts generated by Structure Synchronization.
  16. Unknown Internal Error occurred when Automation ran.
  17. Unable to transfer tables with HEX format.
  18. Default parameter syntax was stripped after saving PostgreSQL function.
  19. Syntax error occurred when creating PostgreSQL function with array parameters.
  20. Encoding issue of the exported text file.
  21. Unable to show the SQLite CTE based view definition in View Designer.
  22. Crashed when the Oracle host name was longer than 1000.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 28 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.26

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Access Violation" error occurred when creating new connections in fresh installed Navicat.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 27 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.25

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to create a query inside a group.
  2. The color of function keywords did not change according to the Font Color settings in Options.
  3. Column width did not retain after hide and show the column in Table Viewer.
  4. Unable to drag and drop a query into a group in some cases.
  5. "SQL Logic" error occurred when loading SQLite extension.
  6. Unable to edit query results in some cases.
  7. Unable to disable Foreign Key constraint in Data Synchronization.
  8. Crashed when dumping table to sql file in some cases.
  9. Foreign Key constraint didn't work when the constraint name was empty in SQLite.
  10. DROP PROCEDURE statements in Structure Synchronization did not include the schema name.
  11. Some setting values was missing in SQLite Trigger Designer.
  12. Foreign Key constraint issue in Import Wizard.
  13. Unable to show the SQLite CTE based view definition in View Designer.
  14. SQLite connections was missing in Model's Import from Database feature.
  15. Code completion replaced the text after caret.
  16. Exported files or reports were not attached to the notification email.
  17. Plugin error occurred when using RSA/PAM authentication for MariaDB connections.
  18. Keepalive Interval setting attempted to connect continuously even the database was down.
  19. If a query was opened, abnormal behavior happened when closing Navicat.
  20. Automation did not start when the computer was logged out.
  21. Unable to create new table with primary key settings in Import Wizard.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 22 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.24


  1. Supported creating PostgreSQL 10 Models.
  2. Supported Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL.

Bug Fixes:

  1. RAISE NOTICE events did not show in Message Log.
  2. Spaces were missing in the SQL exported from Model.
  3. Extra newlines were added to the SQL exported from Model.
  4. Unable to change the comment of PostgreSQL functions with named parameters.
  5. "Hourly" option was missing on Task Schedule's Trigger tab.
  6. Wrong datestamp was appended to the exported files.
  7. Added records showed wrong values until refreshing SQLite table grid.
  8. Slow issue when searching in Table Viewer.
  9. Unable to move functions into a group.
  10. Syntax error occurred when running query in some cases.
  11. Unable to select Enum data in query results.
  12. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when opening SQLite tables.
  13. "Invalid byte sequence for encoding" error occurred when opening PostgreSQL tables.
  14. Target functions/procedures were not dropped before create when synchronizing structure.
  15. Unable to synchronize models/queries in Navicat Cloud.
  16. Exported Excel files were corrupted in some cases.
  17. "Access is denied" error occurred when setting schedule.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 22 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.23


  1. Updated SQLite library version to support more JSON functions.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Error occurred when synchronizing structure in some cases.
  2. Replace All did not work in Table Viewer.
  3. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when opening SQLite table.
  4. Cell selection disappeared after pressing CTRL+C in Table Viewer.
  5. Error occurred when running query in some cases.
  6. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when exporting query results.
  7. Unable to choose the custom object type in Table Designer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 15 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.22

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unknown Internal error occurred when editing/adding connections.
  2. Adding self-referencing table issue in Query Builder.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 11 2018
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.21

Bug Fixes:

  1. Out of memory issue when running Data Transfer.
  2. Unable to add Identify column in existing SQL Server tables.
  3. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when loading profiles in Structure Synchronization.
  4. Export Float data to csv files issue.
  5. No scripts were deployed when synchronizing SQL Server functions.
  6. Syntax error occurred when synchronizing MySQL functions.
  7. Unable to display Oracle Chinese data in some cases.
  8. Crashed when importing Excel or Text files in some cases.
  9. Opening large databases in List View took long time.
  10. Unable to show query files with ".SQL" extension in Objects tab.
  11. The length of NVARCHAR fields were missing when exporting models to SQL files.
  12. Errors occurred when executing MySQL Dump files.
  13. CTRL+SPACE shortcut were missing in Query Editor.
  14. Target's default Tablespace were not used in Data Transfer.
  15. Unable to connect PostgreSQL 10 with scram-sha-265 Auth-Method.
  16. Print report to PDF command wrongly sent the report to printer.
  17. Null date values were exported wrongly as "1900-01-00" in Excel files.
  18. Tables Viewer displayed wrong number of digits.
  19. Input parameter window did not pop up when exporting query.
  20. "Invalid Stored Procedure Syntax" error occurred when saving PostgreSQL functions.
  21. High CPU usage issue.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 5 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.20

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to sort by JSON type fields in Table Viewer.
  2. Unable to connect SQL Server instances.
  3. Unable to transfer POINT data type from MySQL to MariaDB.
  4. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 1 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.19

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to zoom in/out Query Editor using mouse wheel.
  2. "operator does not exist" error occurred when editing JSON data.
  3. "column c.reltriggers does not exist" error occurred when accessing PostgreSQL 10.1 tables.
  4. Unable to connect Sphinx servers.
  5. Swapping connections did not work when re-comparing in Data Synchronization.
  6. Code Completion did not work when logged in with non DBA users.
  7. Syntax errors occurred when running query in some cases.
  8. Unknown Internal error occurred when performing Structure Synchronization.
  9. No records was transferred when the target connection was using HTTP Tunnel.
  10. Query syntax highlight was wrong after switching tabs.
  11. DateTime field Not Null checkbox unchecked wrongly in Table Designer.
  12. Unable to export table to xlsx with name longer than 31 characters.
  13. Hanged when searching in Table Viewer in some cases.
  14. Unable to open connection by double-clicking the SQLite database file.
  15. "identity column" error occurred when importing to SQL Server.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 13 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.18

Bug Fixes:

  1. The database/schema combo-box did not work in Query.
  2. Manual refresh did not work in Server Monitor when auto-refresh was enabled.
  3. Oracle connection's Service Name setting reset after re-login Navicat Cloud.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when performing Structure Synchronization.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 7 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.17

Bug Fixes:

  1. Indexes were not displayed on the DDL panel when selecting PostgreSQL Materialized Views.
  2. Supported refresh PostgreSQL Materialized Views with CONCURRENTLY option.
  3. Fixed exporting numbers to Excel issue.
  4. "column "start_value" does not exist" error occurred when accessing PostgreSQL 10 Sequences.
  5. Fixed importing connections with Settings Location issue.
  6. Fixed ER diagram layout issue.
  7. Table groups were not synchronized to other members in Navicat Cloud.
  8. Add Index statements were generated wrongly when opening Table Designer.
  9. Unable to show errors when running queries in SQL Server.
  10. Wrong SQLs were generated when inserting fields in Table Designer.
  11. Unable to run CREATE PROCEDURE statements in Query Editor.
  12. Unable to save function after changing parameter names.
  13. Unable to import DBF files.
  14. Identifiers panel retained when opening new query window.
  15. Access denied error occurred when transferring tables with triggers in some cases.
  16. The Stop button in Export Wizard did not work properly.
  17. Unknown Internal Error occurred when typing in Query Editor.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 10 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.16

Bug Fixes:

  1. Structure Synchronization detected differences wrongly in some cases.
  2. Record delimiter was wrong when exporting to text file using Automation.
  3. Breakpoints was not recognized in PostgreSQL Debugger.
  4. Table Viewer moved back to the first page when refreshing a table.
  5. Unable to dump Oracle tables to SQL files.
  6. Unable to show synonyms in the Objects tab.
  7. Characters displayed wrongly in Table Viewer.
  8. Error occurred when adding fields in Oracle table.
  9. Unable to select fields when exporting to Excel file.
  10. Hanged when closing connection on less session environment.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 27 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.15

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unknown Internal Error occurred when debugging PostgreSQL functions.
  2. Error occurred when deleting INT field value in Table Viewer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 26 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.14

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wrongly shown differences when synchronizing structure.
  2. Unable to debug PostgreSQL function in some cases.
  3. The DDL tab in Information pane did not updated after saving changes in sub forms.
  4. Unknown Internal Error occurred when synchronizing structure/data in some cases.
  5. Unable to schedule Data Synchronization profiles.
  6. Syntax error occurred when filtering with ' character in Table Viewer.
  7. Compared table comments in Structure Synchronization.
  8. Input decimal separator issue in Table Viewer.
  9. Unable to import date from Excel to VARCHAR field.
  10. Unable to create trigger functions in Query.
  11. Query Builder loading was slow.
  12. Custom backup file name was ignored when scheduling in Automation.
  13. Re-registration issue.
  14. Unable to create new table in Import Wizard in some cases.
  15. Error occurred when creating virtual columns in MariaDB Table Designer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 5 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.13

Bug Fixes:

  1. Table triggers was not included when backing up tables.
  2. Auto increment field was ignored when importing
  3. Unable to set the default value of TEXT/BLOB field for MariaDB 10.2.1 or above.
  4. Navicat hanged when running a query export profile in some cases.
  5. Error occurred when running LOAD DATA LOCAL queries.
  6. Special characters were garbled when exporting Access files.
  7. Unknown Internal error occurred when exporting Access files.
  8. Unknown Internal error occurred when saving changes in Table Designer.
  9. "Too many client tasks" error occurred when importing Access files.
  10. Double-quote encased text fields were split into new records when importing a record which multiple lines.
  11. Syntax error occurred when performing data transfer in some cases.
  12. Unable to set automation for cross server type data transfer.
  13. Unknown Internal error occurred when adding multiple records in Table Viewer.
  14. Two identical functions declared as different in Structure Synchronization.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 8 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.11

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to open Information pane by context menu.
  2. Unable to import fixed width text file in some cases.
  3. Access Violation error occurred when creating models / tables in some cases.
  4. Access Violation error occurred after Navicat was idle.
  5. ORA-01861 error occurred when importing Excel files.
  6. Unable to import the CDATA data in XML files.
  7. Number values were exported as text in Excel files.
  8. Code completion did not work for alias in SQL Editor.
  9. Beautify SQL did not format multiple statements properly in SQL Editor.
  10. Unknown Internal error occurred when running query with nvarchar(max) fields / parameters.
  11. Table menu displayed wrong item in some cases.
  12. Unknown Internal error occurred when running old version export profiles in Automation.
  13. Unknown Internal error occurred when opening tables in some cases.
  14. Wrong syntax displayed for PostgreSQL in Function Designer.
  15. "_Navicat_Temp_Stored_Proc() does not exist" error occurred when saving functions.
  16. High memory usage issue in Data Synchronization.
  17. "Relation does not exist" error occurred when restoring from PostgreSQL backups.
  18. "Use empty string as NULL" option did not work in Import Wizard.
  19. Unknown Internal error occurred when writing query in some cases.
  20. Unknown Internal error occurred when backup in Automation in some cases.
  21. Incorrect date format dispalyed when editing SQL Server datetime fields.
  22. Hang issue occurred when launching Import Wizard.
  23. Unable to connect with SSL in some cases.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 13 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.10

Bug Fixes:

  1. Error occurred when opening MySQL databases in HTTP connection if enabled "Encode outgoing query with base64" setting.
  2. Unable to import Chinese characters from Excel files.
  3. Incorrect date and decimal formats in exported Excel files.
  4. Filter criteria settings were removed when applying sorting on column.
  5. Error occurred when duplicating MySQL tables in HTTP connection.
  6. Unknown Internal Error occurred when executing old version export profiles in Batch Job.
  7. Save dialog did not pop up when closing backup profiles after editing.
  8. Incorrect SQL Server datetime displayed in Table Viewer.
  9. Unknown Internal Error occurred when loading Filter profiles in Table Viewer.
  10. Identity Error occurred when duplicating SQL Server tables.
  11. File path and file name were not saved in Export profiles.
  12. Unknown Internal Error occurred when there was multiple statements in Query.
  13. Incorrect field names were shown in code completion suggestion list.
  14. Unable to attach the report PDF file in notification email.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 28 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.9

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when typing statement in SQL Editor.
  2. Unable to show field names in data pipeline after editing SQL in Report.
  3. Beautify SQL formatted the statement wrongly in some cases.
  4. Sorting by modified/create date did not work for details view in main window.
  5. Connection coloring displayed wrong color in some cases.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 26 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.8

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wrong table showed when comparing tables in Data Synchronization in some cases.
  2. Unable to import special characters from Excel.
  3. Unable to paste multiple records in Table Viewer.
  4. Created Batch Jobs did not show in Standard Edition.
  5. "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when importing files.
  6. Unable to select data from SQLite views in Report.
  7. View Builder locked up when re-open for editing in some cases.
  8. Unable to log in Oracle server using lower case username.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 15 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.7

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Access violation" error occurred when create new query/view.
  2. Enum value drop-down list was missing for MariaDB in Table Viewer.
  3. Wrongly showed primary key warning in some cases.
  4. Unable to type some characters in editor when using international keyboard.
  5. Unable to edit connection settings in some cases.
  6. Information Pane did not appear in some cases.
  7. "Oracle Library not loaded" error occurred when connecting.
  8. Internal error occurred when importing CSV files.
  9. Error occurred when opening PostgreSQL tables with large INT values.
  10. Cell values froze when scrolling in grid view.
  11. PostgreSQL Function Designer showed wrong language setting.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 6 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.6

Bug Fixes:

  1. 1142 error occurred when dumping SQL files for MySQL.
  2. 1142 error occurred when backing up MySQL databases.
  3. Unable to connect Azure SQL Database.
  4. Failed to load Data Synchronization profiles.
  5. Data display issues in table viewer.
  6. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 31 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 12.0.5

New Features:

  1. New UI/UX.
  2. On Startup: open favorite tabs automatically when Navicat launches.
  3. Code Snippet.
  4. Advanced Code Completion with better suggestions.
  5. Brand new Structure Synchronization: visually show side-by-side DDL comparison between two databases.
  6. Brand new Data Synchronization: show particular status to distinguish the differences between records easily.
  7. New Automation: easy to find desired profiles and create automated batch jobs.
  8. Responsiveness and performance improved.
  9. Many other new features and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 16 2017
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.16

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed the CREATE PACKAGE and CREATE PACKAGE BODY issue in SQL Editor.
  2. Error occurred when exporting with Time field type.
  3. Error occurred when importing identity column in SQL Server.
  4. Unable to insert trigger in Table Viewer.
  5. Removed "WHEN()" if "When Clause" is NULL for Oracle trigger.
  6. "Argument out of range" occurred when running "Reverse Database to Model".
  7. Wrong Oracle SQL statements were generated wrong when running "Synchronize to Database" in Model.
  8. Fixed the Oracle varchar2 issue when running "Synchronize to Database" in Model.
  9. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 22 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.15

Bug Fixes:

  1. Cannot to show PostgreSQL large decimal data properly in Table Viewer.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 7 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.14

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to show some errors in MySQL Console.
  2. Crashed when using Query in some cases.
  3. "IGNORE_DUP_KEY" was always set to "ON" for SQL Server in Structure Synchronization.
  4. Query auto-save feature did not work in some cases.
  5. Debugger did not work for PostgreSQL 8.3 to 9.0.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 31 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.13

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to move PostgreSQL function with special parameter to virtual group.
  2. Error occurred when getting MySQL query status.
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 24 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.12

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed the session break with identity insert SQL issue for SQL Server in Data Transfer.
  2. MySQL floating point fields were exported to decimal values.
  3. Error occurred when profiling query with sql_mode "ONLY_FULL_ GROUP_BY" for MySQL 5.7.5 or above.
  4. Fixed the sorting issue in Table Viewer.
  5. Unable to select database and schema for SQL Server 2000 in "Find in Schema".
  6. Error occurred when a PostgreSQL numeric field has scale out of -84 to 127 in Table Designer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 3 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.11


  1. Support more keywords for PostgreSQL in Query Editor.
  2. List PostgreSQL warning and notice messages in History Log.
  3. Increase the number of databases that can be attached to a SQLite database.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Copy and paste issue in Table Viewer's Memo Editor.
  2. Unable to close PostgreSQL Debugger after clicking Cancel in the Parameter dialog box.
  3. "Date format is too long for internal buffers" error occurred when viewing Oracle tables in some cases.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 15 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.10


  1. Support inputting tabs in the editor of Table Designer.
  2. Support UTF16 formatted files in Execute SQL File and Query's Import SQL functions.
  3. Support PostgreSQL 9.5 keywords in Query Editor.

Bug Fixes:

  1. The media keys (play, pause, next etc) did not work.
  2. Unable to connect MariaDB 5.5 with SSL.
  3. Failed to transfer data in Chinese locale OS.
  4. Foreign keys check SQL was missing at the end of the dumped SQL file.
  5. Crashed when synchronizing model to database in some cases.
  6. Unable to show the light coloring when the tab is non-active.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 10 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.9

Bug Fixes:

  1. The datetime field values were inconsistent in exported file.
  2. Error occurred when adding PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and SQLite tables to report.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 29 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.8


  1. Support SQLite JSON1 extension.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wrongly enabled "UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" for MariaDB DateTime fields when creating table.
  2. Unable to set "On Update Current_Timestamp" setting in some cases for MySQL version 5.6.5 or above.
  3. Unable to add tables to Report's Query Wizard and Query Designer when the table name contained dot.
  4. Error occurred when logging in Navicat Cloud if profile path contained Unicode.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 30 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.7

Bug Fixes:

  1. Failed to get PostgreSQL or Oracle Materialized View information for Code Completion.
  2. Fixed multi-monitor with different dpi issue.
  3. Column import definition broken when importing.
  4. Saved Import profile mapped columns wrongly.
  5. "invalid varient operation" error occurred when import from ODBC.
  6. "Argument out of range" error occurred when importing CSV file.
  7. Primary Key settings were deleted when modifying import profile.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 1 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.6


  1. Support field type JSON in MySQL 5.7.8 or above.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Errors occurred when running LOAD DATA LOCAL queries in 64-bit version.
  2. Error "Diagram table already exists" occurred when opening some model files.
  3. Crashed when exporting connections.
  4. "Access violation" error occurred when importing CSV file.
  5. Errors occurred when viewing PostgreSQL Object Information.
  6. Normal users were unable to view PostgreSQL Object Information.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 15 2016
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.5

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Stop" button was not working in Query.
  2. Unable to edit the query in Query Editor when running it.
  3. Error occurred when running LOAD DATA LOCAL queries.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 14 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.4

Bug Fixes:

  1. Schedule and Command Line stopped working when user did not sign in Navicat Cloud.
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 11 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.3

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Argument out of range" error occurred when using "Find in Database/Schema".
  2. Unable to open or design tables in PostgreSQL version 7.x and 8.x .
  3. Minor bug fixes and improvements.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 10 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.2.2

Major New Features:

Navicat Cloud Collaboration

  1. Create/Modify/Delete projects.
  2. Add members to project for sharing connection settings, queries and models.
  3. View Project Activity Log.

PostgreSQL Objects

  1. Support Foreign Server with User Mapping.
  2. Support Foreign Table.
  3. Support PostgreSQL Debugger.
  4. Enhanced Object Designers.

Data Modeling Tool

  1. Support Model Conversion.
  2. Support Views.
  3. Enhanced Table Designer.


  1. SQLite Users Management.
  2. Enhanced Connection Coloring.
  3. Search database object structure.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 3 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.13


  1. Supported PostgreSQL 9.5.
  2. Enhanced Stored Procedure editor.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Exported result incorrect for TIME field type in Export Wizard.
  2. File name with appended timestamp issue in Export Wizard.
  3. Wrong caption/icon showed for Stored Procedure.
  4. Unable to synchronize BIT fields for PostgreSQL tables in Data Synchronization.
  5. Slow performance when showing/hiding column with Memo editor opened.
  6. SSH protocol error issue.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.12

Bug Fixes:

  1. Foreign keys were re-created when editing Oracle tables in Table Designer.
  2. Generated object SQL identifier without escaping quote characters in Model.
  3. Unable to load the virtual group settings file created by old versions of Navicat.
  4. After sorted a selected column in Table Viewer, access violation occurred when resizing column width.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.11


  1. Reset the field length to default value after changing the auto guessed field type in Table Designer.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Access violation error occurred when entering SQL in Query.
  2. Cannot access field 'Super_priv' as type Boolean error occurred when managing MySQL/MariaDB Users.
  3. Unable to download source files with HTTPS connection in Import Wizard.
  4. Failed to create/edit users for MySQL 5.7.6.
  5. 'Cannot create oci environment' error occurred in Oracle connections.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 12 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.10


  1. Improved the Message Log information.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Table Designer did not allow to edit MySQL table partition’s Values setting.
  2. Failed to generate PostgreSQL index field clause in Structure Synchronization.
  3. Unable to drop columns for PostgreSQL View in View Designer.
  4. Unable to identify equality of trigger definitions with different system line breaks in Structure Synchronization.
  5. Code Completion did not parse SQL Server PIVOT SQL clause properly in Query Editor.
  6. Unable to generate the SET clause properly for Oracle when using update mode in Import Wizard.
  7. Unable to generate MySQL table SQL with charset binary properly in Structure Synchronization.
  8. Code Completion added smart quote wrongly for utc_date() in Query Editor.
  9. Unable to convert object names in Data Transfer when using Schedule.
  10. Unable to transfer MariaDB triggers in Data Transfer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 20 2015
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.9


  1. Support "WITH" clause for SQLite 3.8.3.
  2. Support double-click to open SQLite database file.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to run in Windows Server 2003.
  2. Fixed the color issue in the connection tree.
  3. Wrong handling for MySQL/MariaDB field type BIT.
  4. Unable to show Material View in PostgreSQL/Oracle Query Builder.
  5. Exception error occurred while running synchronize to database for SQLite tables with different number of source and target relations in Data Modeling Tool.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 9 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.8


  1. Allow copying field names in Table Viewer and Query's Result.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Argument out of range" error occurred after running MySQL/MariaDB queries in Query.
  2. Unable to add new computed column to an existing SQL Server table which already have computed columns in Table Designer.
  3. Crashed after multiple drag & drop tables in Model Designer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 2 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.7


  1. Supported data type conversion between uuid and uniqueidentifier when changing database type between PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
  2. Error counting in Data Transfer's Message Log changed from records to records and objects.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Structure Synchronization was unable to compare the difference between Null and empty default value for MySQL/MariaDB fields.
  2. Materialized View option was missing in the main menu (View > Others) for PostgreSQL.
  3. Wrong table inheritance was shown in PostgreSQL Table Designer.
  4. Failed to show DDL for PostgreSQL Trigger Function in Object Information.
  5. Unable to show and edit data of regclass, etc PostgreSQL data types in Table Viewer.
  6. DROP SEQUENCE SQL did not include 'IF EXISTS' clause for PostgreSQL 8.2 or above in Data Transfer.
  7. 'Cannot create oci environment' error occurred in some machines.
  8. Wrong field name was generated in ALTER SQL when changing default value of a renamed field in SQL Server Table Designer.
  9. Navicat got hang after running certain SQLite SQL in Query.
  10. Unable to select new mode in connection tree using Alt+MouseDown.
  11. Access Violation error occurred when exporting single column to Word.
  12. Duplicated foreign key names issue in Model.
  13. Unable to recognize the Row Delimiter when importing from CSV files.
  14. Import Wizard was unable to import currency data from DBF files.
  15. Advanced settings were saved incorrectly in Data Transfer profiles.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 18 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.6

Bug Fixes:

  1. Synchronized Navicat Cloud model files even they did not have any changes.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 15 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.5


  1. Added Open Containing Folder feature for Query, Report, Backup and Model.
  2. Added Open with External Editor feature for Query.
  3. Added press and hold Alt key and double-click table to open Table Design.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Failed to dump SQL file from Navicat Cloud connection.
  2. Unable to select foreign key for new table in Table Design.
  3. Export PostgreSQL query issue.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 1 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.19

Bug Fixes:

  1. Unable to alter SQL Server 2014 database compatibility levels.
  2. Failed to generate field comment SQL of newly created field in existing SQL Server table.
  3. Unable to set default value to empty string for columns with SET data type in Table Design.
  4. Oracle unicode characters in Export handled incorrectly.
  5. Generated insert/update statements with SQL Server identity column in Import Wizard.
  6. Data started with single quote issue in exported Excel file.
  7. Generated COLLATE clause for incorrect SQL Server data types in Data Modeling Tool.
  8. Generated DROP COLUMN and ADD COLUMN into single SQL statement for SQL Server in Table Design

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 25 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.1.3

New Features:

  1. Support to sync selected connection settings, queries, model files and virtual group information to Navicat Cloud. For more information, please visit here.


  1. Support PostgreSQL 9.3 Materialized View.
  2. Support SQLite 3.8 WITHOUT ROWID.
  3. Support parameter in Report command line.
  4. Support adding shapes in Model.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 21 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.18


  1. Support JSON data type for PostgreSQL.
  2. Query profile now support to show in server level.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed to set MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE for MariaDB connection.
  2. Database properties for SQL Server not able to alter proper compatibility levels.
  3. Unable to save local file if database name contained heading/tailing space.
  4. Crashed when loading and parsing a long incorrect syntax SQL in Query.
  5. After adding a new row, pressing next/last button would freeze the Form View in Table Viewer.
  6. Number of rows selected incorrectly when using shift+up/down keys in Table Viewer.
  7. Multiple selection not working properly with shift+keys in Table Viewer.
  8. When using CTRL+A to select text inside a data cell, all cells were incorrectly selected in Table Viewer.
  9. Import Paradox not able to import data properly in Navicat 64bits.
  10. ORA-00911: invalid character error occured when exporting Oracle query results.
  11. Backup not able to backup MySQL table with foreign key.
  12. Wrong NullsOrder setting was shown for foreign key fields under Table Designer in Data Modeling Tool.
  13. Wrong CREATE TABLE SQL with character set and comment exported under Export SQL in Data Modeling Tool.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 25 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.17


  1. MySQL Table Viewer is now able to update a row even not all the keys are input for numeric columns.
  2. Always import as NULL value if "Use empty string as NULL" option is checked in Import Wizard.
  3. All records are now able to show under the Fixed Width window in step 3 of Import Wizard.

Bug Fixes:

  1. 'Control 'Dock2Form_1' has no parent window' error occured while docking in and out of windows.
  2. Connection was deleted after renamed to capitalized name.
  3. Foreign key information with two words identifier not able to get correct correctly in MySQL/MariaDB Table Designer.
  4. Foreign key information with NDB cluster storage engine not able to get correctly in MySQL Table Designer.
  5. Parameter list not able to show in MySQL/MariaDB Function Designer when there was CHARACTER type in function parameters.
  6. datetime2 value with fractional seconds not able to import using SQL Server Import Wizard.
  7. Binary Data Encoding option was ignored in Oracle/SQL Server Import Wizard if string data type existed.
  8. 'Table does not exist' error occured while opening an export profile.
  9. DateTime with fractional precision not handling correctly in SQL Server Export Wizard.
  10. Server with unsaved password not able to connect under 'Import from Database' in Data Modeling Tool.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 9 2014
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.16


  1. Added Dynamic Column Editor for MariaDB in Table Viewer.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Lose focus in Table Viewer.
  2. Function parser error.
  3. Access Violation error occurred when designing MariaDB tables with foreign keys.
  4. Access Violation error occurred when importing invalid connections.
  5. ERegistry Exception error occurred when starting Navicat.
  6. Oracle reconnection problem.
  7. Wrong Date Editor frame size in Table Viewer.
  8. Stack Overflow error when running Query.
  9. Data Synchronization failed when MySQL or MariaDB table has multi-fields Primary Key.
  10. Permissions issue of the Updater.
  11. Cursor was missing in Stored Procedure.
  12. Failed to create MySQL user with special characters password.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 13 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.12

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wrong handling on MySQL Integer type.
  2. Changed MySQL properties not check properly in Table Designer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 8 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.11


  1. Support of MariaDB 5.1 or above.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Missed to mark quotation on keywords in Query Builder.
  2. Process was unable to stop while running query in Essentials version.
  3. Failed to include auto increment column setting for floating point data types in MySQL.
  4. Access Violation occured when executing MySQL query clause with 'GROUP BY _xxx, _yyy'.
  5. Failed to get the accurate fraction part of date time data for SQL Server.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 10 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.10

Bug Fixes:

  1. Failed to show definition/DDL for MySQL View.
  2. Failed to check/uncheck column fields in Show/Hide Columns using space key in Tabler Viewer.
  3. Failed to scroll horizontally for wide content after applying Filter Wizard in Table Viewer.
  4. Fixed Oracle explain plan for SYSDBA user.
  5. Fixed some issues on Query and Export features under Oracle level.
  6. Failed to identify the correct installed SQL Server Native Client version.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 7 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.9

Bug Fixes:

  1. Failed to save/load blob data in SQLite Table Viewer.
  2. Access violation occured in 64-bit scintilla (Text Editor) after Navicat used huge memory (>4G).
  3. Access violation occured while copying and pasting field in Table Designer.
  4. No respond from Filter Wizard in Table Viewer after execution error of filter query.
  5. Failed to replace text with an empty string using the Find and Replace feature.
  6. Fixed the scrolling issue in docking window on secondary display.
  7. Failed to display unicode user name and organization in Navicat About box.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 3 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.8

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed SQL Server timeout reconnect issue.
  2. SQL Server PRINT message was not showed.
  3. Column width not able to be reset after showing the hidden column in Table Viewer.
  4. Access violation occured in Table Viewer while reconnecting SSH connection with another port.
  5. MySQL default value could not be kept longer than 255 characters in Table Designer.
  6. Query message in status bar not updated if no result return after Run.
  7. Fixed concat string (with date) in MySQL Query.
  8. Access violation occured when entering MySQL query clause with 'GROUP BY _xxx, _yyy'.
  9. Minimum or Maximum value not saved in PostgreSQL Sequence Designer.
  10. Fixed issues on cross transfer.
  11. Certain SQL Server function not copies over in a Data Transfer profile.
  12. Synchronize to database in Data Modeling Tool generated SQL Server column SQL with multiple identity columns.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 27 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.7

Bug Fixes:

  1. Key was rejected for SSH connection.
  2. Crashed occured while establishing PostgreSQL connection with SSL.
  3. Access violation occured while running report in command line.
  4. Losing searched position in Memo editor after first searching or clicked into the Memo editor.
  5. Fixed query parser error.
  6. Invalid relation cardinality not showed in red color in Data Modeling Tool.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

May 9 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.6

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed "Keyboard Interactive Failed" error for SSH tunnel connection.
  2. Crashed while using SSH tunnel connection for both source and target servers in Data Transfer.
  3. "Access violation" error occurred while entering query clause with 'ORDER BY _xxx ASC/DESC' in Query.
  4. Notification email not sent with an unsaved batch job.
  5. SQLite query result table not able to update while having zero and padding integer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 30 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 11.0.5

Major New Features:

Native 64-bit version


  1. New User Interface
  2. Aero Snap with new docking system


  1. New SSH Manager
  2. Connection Tree Filter

Table Viewer

  1. Find and Replace data
  2. Box Selection
  3. Multi-Cell Editing
  4. Search Columns
  5. Web Viewer
  6. Memo Editor with syntax highlight
  7. Support Transaction
  8. Support animated gif in Image viewer
  9. Copy data as INSERT/UPDATE statement

Table Designer

  1. Search Columns
  2. Field Type Prediction


  1. Enhanced Query Builder

Import Wizard/Export Wizard

  1. JSON file
  2. CSV file
  3. Improved binary data handling


  1. SQL Server Backup
  2. Oracle Data Pump


  1. Enhanced PDF printing


  1. New Registration and Activation System
  2. New Updater

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 4 2013
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.8

Bug Fixes:

  1. Transaction did not work properly in Table Designer while using SQLite HTTP Connection.
  2. Table Viewer could not allow to edit while using SQLite HTTP Connection.
  3. "Access violation" error occurred while applying an existing table name on a new table in Data Modeling Tool.
  4. The current value of PostgreSQL Sequence object was unable to synchronize properly and returned incorrect nextval value in Structure Synchronization.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 11 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.7


  1. Support fractional seconds precision of time, datetime, timestamp data types for MySQL 5.6.4/MySQL MariaDB 5.3 or above.
  2. Allow max SQL Server datatype (varchar, nvarchar, varbinary) in Data Synchronization.
  3. The Profile tab under MySQL Query is now displayed without sorting.
  4. Support MySQL date time format 2012-12-31T01:02:03.456 in Import Wizard.
  5. Support fractional seconds precision of time, datetime, timestamp data types for MySQL 5.6.4 or above under Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool.
  6. Support to ignore comparing MySQL DEFINER clause of view, event, trigger, procedure and function in Structure Synchronization.

Bug Fixes:

  1. MySQL Create function statement which was after DELIMITER change statement was unable to be executed in Query.
  2. "List index out of bounds" error occurred when some source fields were removed after import profile were created during Import Wizard.
  3. Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool genarated incorrect comparison result for equivalent source and target foreign keys.
  4. Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool failed to synchronize SQLite tables with changed fields.
  5. Dump SQL File function produced inorrect SQL for Oracle CLOB fields.
  6. When "Run multiple queries in each execution" option is checked for SQL Server, character data was unable to import correctly in Import Wizard.
  7. Binary data (from MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite Server) from Access/ODBC was imported incorrectly during Import Wizard.
  8. Records were unable to generate for MySQL Federated table in Dump SQL File and Data Transfer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 19 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.6


  1. Added data format options for XML file in Export Wizard.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Error message occurred while creating databases/tablespaces in PostgreSQL 9.2.x.
  2. The dump of an Oracle table with CLOB produced an incorrect SQL statement.
  3. SQLite Table Designer was unable to handle NOT NULL ON CONFLICT field property.
  4. Wrong time unit (ms) was shown under Messages tab in Query function.
  5. Table Designer in Data Modeling Tool was unable to save newly added index and foreign key.
  6. Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool was unable to generate the referencing table schema name in the SQL scripts.
  7. Server Monitor was unable to show the process for PostgreSQL 9.2.x server.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Aug 23 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.5

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Execute SQL File" was unable to parse a SQL Server query if 'GO' characters contained in a word.
  2. Empty named MySQL relation was unable to load back in Data Modeling Tool.
  3. Unable to generate sync queries for MySQL fields with auto increment and primary key in Data Modeling Tool.
  4. "Synchronize to Database" function in Data Modeling Tool was unable to generate SQL Server SCHEMA property in comment SQL.
  5. "Access violation" error occurred while opening "Import from Database" form in Data Modeling Tool.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 27 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.3

Bug Fixes:

  1. Minimized docked window could not restore normally.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 19 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.2


  1. Added font selection in Option for ER Diagram.

Bug Fixes:

  1. 1064 error occured when running MySQL Store Procedure.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jul 6 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.1

Bug Fixes:

  1. If the table contained many columns, new column would be inserted to wrong position in Table Designer (Data Modeling Tool).
  2. Error occured in Oracle, SQLite and SQL Server Filter Wizard when the filter criteria contain '.
  3. SQL Server Stored Procedure only showed the final message after multiple PRINT statements.
  4. Empty string was identified as Null in SQLite.
  5. 'GRANT CREATE ....' not being run in Oracle Query.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 15 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.1.0

Improvements on Data Modeling Tool:

  1. Support Unsigned for MySQL Numeric Type.
  2. Support Auto Increment for MySQL Integer Type.
  3. Build model with multiple schemas.
  4. New wizard "Import from Database".
  5. New wizard "Synchronize to Database".
  6. Search filter.
  7. Align/Distribute diagram objects.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Mar 28 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.11

Bug Fixes:

  1. Data truncated when exporting pdf file from Report Builder.
  2. Navicat got hanged while performing a search in Table Viewer.
  3. Incorrect excel file format was exported while having data started with 0 in Export Wizard.
  4. Copy and paste was not working on index in MySQL/PostgreSQL Table Designer.
  5. "80070001: PrectServer2 not connected" error occurred while transfering Oracle data to file.
  6. Execute SQL File function would not run if there was a SQL Server identifier contains "GO" characters.
  7. SQL Server "double" data type was not being handled properly in Export Wizard.
  8. Auto-increment info was missing while preforming cross data transfer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 31 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.10


  1. Support editing Money type for SQL Server 2000.
  2. Import speed has been improved in Import Wizard.
  3. Export speed has been improved in Export Wizard.

Bug Fixes:

  1. 'column d.datpath does not exist' error occurred while Navicat connecting to PostgreSQL server.
  2. Navicat generated 'Not Implemented' error when running under replacement shell UI.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 4 2012
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.9

Bug Fixes:

  1. While scrolling MySQL index fields, the scrolled position could not be reflected in Table Designer.
  2. MySQL Table Designer generated incorrect SQL statement in field ordering.
  3. The comparison in MySQL columns ordering were generated incorrectly in Structure Synchronization, and Synchronize to Database in Modeler.
  4. Extra SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS MySQL queries were generated even if the comparison results were identical in Structure Synchronization.
  5. Collation in Database Properties not able to set since wrong SQL generation.
  6. Not able to open schema for databases with non-default database collation in SQL Server 2000.
  7. Oracle long Number could not shown in Table Designer.
  8. Synchronize to Database in Modeler generated redundant TYPE clause (PostgreSQL) while comparing a new column.
  9. Synchronize to Database in Modeler did not generate SQLite index SQL properly.
  10. Crash occurred when closing Synchronize to Database in Modeler during the comparison in progress.
  11. Crash occurred while renaming table failed with server error in ER-diagram view.
  12. Data Transfer would hang in Navicat Scheduler.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 24 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.8


  1. Enhanced MySQL Model transformation.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Access violation" error occurred when dragging n dropping a server node in connection tree together with the Model/Schedule object pane were opened.
  2. When created a virtual group in the connection tree, it would be added under Model/Schedule object pane while they were opened.
  3. Failed to execute a SQL Server Stored function with some field types.
  4. "Maintain"->"Vacuum Database..." for PostgewSQL and SQLite server would randomly not shown in the connection tree.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 14 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.7


  1. Source field order is now kept in target table after running "Synchronize to Database" for MySQL server.
  2. SQLite Columns with undefined data type is now able to be searched in "Find in Database" feature.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Incorrect field type showed in ER Diagram.
  2. Fixed-width and row delimiter were unable to retrieve from a profile in Import Wizard.
  3. Structure Synchronization produced invalid pointer exception error when comparing SQL Server stored procedures.
  4. Non-latin characters with different collation columns in MySQL table were unable to search in "Find in Database" feature.
  5. Print report to PDF file would generate a blank file.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 17 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.6


  1. Support column comment up to 1024 characters for MySQL 5.5.3.
  2. Support table comment up to 2048 characters for MySQL 5.5.3.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Data Modeling Tool was unable to set the reference field of foreign key.
  2. Data Modeling Tool was unable to print with landscape page setting.
  3. When importing data from an URL, it failed to create a temporary file if the same temporary file was being accessed.
  4. Tables contained MySQL geometric point data was failed in Data Transfer and Data Synchronization.
  5. Restore didn't work with the .pmb file created from Navicat for MySQL version 5.
  6. Failed to implement PostgreSQL LIKE query with date time columns in "Find in Database" function.
  7. Failed to implement PostgreSQL 'name' type columns in "Find in Database" function.
  8. Connection Information could not display properly in large font size.
  9. Default value of bit field was shown incorrectly in MySQL Table Viewer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 19 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.5


  1. Improved performance of "Reverse Database to Model" and "Reverse Tables to Model.
  2. Foreign Keys is now able to be imported into Model.
  3. Spacing issue has been improved in Beautify SQL.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Cross transfer to SQL Server would fail when "identity" error occured.
  2. Import from paradox file was unable to get signed short integer values.
  3. User Privileges typo was fixed.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 12 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.12


  1. MySQL indexes is now included in Create Table during Data Transfer.
  2. PostgreSQL Import Wizard is now able to recognize varchar type with defined length from ODBC database source.

Bug Fixes:

  1. The highlighted items from the previous searching results in Table Designer was failed to clear for the next searching.
  2. MySQL foreign key was unable to be created in Table Designer when referencing a destination field requiring index.
  3. "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1" did not generate while running MySQL Structure Synchronization.
  4. Index method was unable to be saved in PostgreSQL Table Designer.
  5. PostgreSQL Language did not include in Store Procedure.
  6. Restored bytea data in PostgreSQL was failed.
  7. "Access violation" error occurred in Navicat main windows during the debug function in Oracle Debugger.
  8. Default scale of 4 was applied when encountering currency data during the Import of Access file in Navicat MySQL, PstgreSQL and Oracle version.
  9. Field name with over 30 characters long was unacceptable in SQLite Table Designer.
  10. INDEX definitions did not include in SQLite SQL Dump File and Data Transfer feature. And database name referenced was missed in the INSERT commands.
  11. Data with #10 or #13 would be determined as BLOB type during SQLite Export Wizard.
  12. New version of SQL Server Native Client could not be recognized.
  13. Failed to set open status for SQL Server database in Connection Properties.
  14. SQL Server Table Designer did not accept an index name with over 30 characters long.
  15. Parse could not apply on a running SQL in SQL Server Query form.
  16. Failed to match source column data to the corresponding column during SQL Server Import Wizard.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Sep 6 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 10.0.3

Major New Features:

  1. Data Modeling Tools.
  2. ER Diagram view.
  3. SQL Minifier.
  4. Database Wide Search.


  1. Ability to run transaction backup for MySQL database (InnoDB only).
  2. Added object list in Query Editor.
  3. Added DDL tab in Object Information.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jun 1 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.11


  1. Added Ctrl+a as shortcut key for "select all" in Form View.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Wrong table would be copied while running "Duplicate Table" function.
  2. MySQL Object Information was unable to be refreshed when under "List" view mode.
  3. Foreign Key Check box under Table Designer was unable to be toggled using space bar.
  4. Searching in Table Viewer would freeze when no record showed on the existing view.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Apr 11 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.10

Bug Fixes:

  1. Scroll bar in Trigger Definition editor was missing.
  2. Object List frozen.
  3. The size of the width in Run Result columns were too large in Stored Procedure form.
  4. "Grid index out of range" error occured while refreshing in Table Viewer.
  5. Connection combo box showed wrongly in Data Synchronization.
  6. "[Err] Field 'COUNT(1)' not found" error occured when applying Update mode in Import Wizard for SQL Server.
  7. SQL Server permission denied on object 'sysproperties'.
  8. Import Wizard was unable to import SQL Server string data to varchar, varchar(max), text field properly.
  9. Query was unable to execute a SQL containing DROP statement inside MySQL Create Statement.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Feb 21 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.9


  1. Import from ODBC to PostgreSQL is now automatically mapped character data with length definition > 255 to text data type.
  2. Added "Grant All", "Revoke All" etc in Server Privileges tab of MySQL/Oracle/SQL Server User Designer.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Navicat Main was unable to list huge number of Logins in SQL Server.
  2. Navicat was unable to list function which returning table of PostgreSQL 9.0.
  3. Table with Oracle object array was unable to be opened in Table Viewer.
  4. MySQL Procedure/Function Designer was unable to get the body part correctly.
  5. Imported text-based file with UTF-8 encoded data to blob field incorrectly.
  6. "Use empty string as NULL" option while importing from XLS/XLSX formats is now working correctly.
  7. SQLite Data Transfer with data '-' would cause syntax error in SQL.
  8. SQL Server Procedure names were unable to locate from Data Transfer.
  9. Failed to run multiple Data Synchronization at the same time.
  10. Table with identity fields was not working correctly in Data Synchronization.
  11. Invalid pointer error would occur after editing MySQL procedure/function during Structure Synchronization.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 17 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.8

New Feature:

  1. Support of SQL Azure.
  2. Added Firewall Rules setting for SQL Azure.
  3. Added Bandwidth Usage in Connection Information for SQL Azure.


  1. Improved sorting order in Connection Tree and Object list.

Bug Fixes:

  1. MySQL Table Designer was unable to handle field insertion.
  2. MySQL Table Designer was unable to insert a field as first since Navicat modifies the second field to reference the not yet inserted field.
  3. MySQL Table Designer now supports primary key fields ordering.
  4. Table Designer was unable to show/edit trigger definition.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Jan 12 2011
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.7


  1. Improved the compatibility of third party plugin (eg. Ultramon, Hardcopy etc).
  2. Added Identity Insert statement for SQL Server Data Synchronization.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Failed to parse code near RESTRICT" error occurred when updaing/deleting a foreign key to a field with RESTRICT action in SQL Server Table Designer.
  2. When changing PostgreSQL table structures, improper SQL orders were executed, causing SQL error in some cases.
  3. Function Designer was unable to show definition for MySQL function with certain return types.
  4. SQL Server export view profile did not show in list.
  5. Multiple files with files delimited as '|' were unable to be recognized during Import Wizard.
  6. Date format were fixed in SQL Server Data Transfer.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 28 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.6

Bug Fixes:

  1. SQLite Table Viewer treated e.g. "2010-12-14" as number format instead of text format.
  2. Limit Records feature did not work in SQL Server Table Viewer.
  3. When altered procedure, SQL would be missing a dot between schema name and object name during Structure Synchronization in SQL Server.
  4. DBF character field length would be set to 254 if table field length is 0 while exporting to DBF file.
  5. Tree node was unable to be highlighted when Connection Coloring feature was applied under Windows XP.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Dec 14 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.5


  1. Improves performance in SQL Server Table Viewer.
  2. SQLite Table Viewer is now able to handle numeric value in Update/Insert statement.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Any SQLite unique constraints set at a column level were lost if a previously created table was opened.
  2. When adding fields in a table with SQLite foreign key constraint in Table Designer, the reference table field would be renamed.
  3. MySQL Function/Procedure Designer was unable to show object body contents with RETURNS text as CHARSET and RETURNS ENUM/SET data type.
  4. MySQL Function/Procedure Designer was unable to show object body contents with argument of ENUM/SET data type.
  5. MySQL Query Builder was unable to recognize identifier starting with numbers, e.g. 123xyz.
  6. Wrong parenthesis generation in Query Builder when new table was added to FROM clause of query like e.g. select ... from (t1 join t2 on a=b).
  7. Code Completion did not work properly with field name if tables were from different database.
  8. Exported data (string) to Excel file did not work properly, e.g. value of '1E' would being exported as 1.
  9. Data Transfer did not work from MySQL to SQL Server.
  10. Structure Synchronization showed wrong compare option caption after changing connection to different kinds of database.
  11. Fixed no permission returned when getting row count of SQL Server table.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 30 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.3


  1. Includes "SQL Server 2008 Native Client" x64 version in Navicat installer package.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Data was truncated with VARCHAR as data type.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Nov 25 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.1.2

Major New Features:

  1. Support of Microsoft SQL Server (2000 to 2008R2).
  2. Support of MySQL Server 5.5.
  3. Support of PostgreSQL Server 9.
  4. Connection to SQL Server through SSH
  5. Support Keep Connection Alive for Oracle and SQL Server.
  6. Support of geometry data type for MySQL and SQL Server.
  7. Support BTREE and HASH index methods for MySQL Server.
  8. Support of UUID/GUID generator for PostgreSQL/SQL Server.
  9. Support of SQL Server Code Outline.
  10. New Privilege Manager.
  11. Enhanced User/Role Management.
  12. Data Synchronization performance improved with new engine.
  13. Connection Coloring.

To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center.

Oct 4 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.15

Bug Fixes:

  1. "700 - Invalid response: 403" error occured when using HTTP tunnel connection for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite server.
  2. Index/Trigger was unable to be renamed in SQLite Table Designer.
  3. SQLite Foreign Key did not work properly.
  4. "Out of memory" error occured when running a long SQL in Query function.
  5. "Access violation" error occurred when running an invalid SQL syntax in Query function e.g. SELECT DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.MD5 (input_string=>'1') FROM DUAL.
  6. Result form showed in Query Editor would be closed after a new query was run.
  7. Beautify SQL returned an invalid SQL syntax, e.g. formatted xxx@yyy into xxx @ yyy.
  8. "Cannot call Start on a running or suspended thread" error occured when exporting tables with mutli resultsets.
  9. SQLite "Check For Updates" did not work properly.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Sep 15 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.14


  1. Allow to save Function in Oracle Procedure/Function Designer if user selected Procedure in first step of Function Wizard

Bug Fixes:

  1. SQLite Table Designer did not allow to create data type TEXT, BLOB, REAL, etc with length, precision and scale.
  2. SQLite indexes were unable to be removed in Table Designer.
  3. When pasting an enum type value using CTRL+V in Tabler Viewer, the drop down list box would be shown in wrong position.
  4. "Access violation" error occurred when running an invalid SQL syntax in Query Builder, e.g. select ... from ,table01.
  5. Imported string data as blob data incorrectly to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite database using Import Wizard.
  6. Failed to import characters data as NVARCHAR2, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB to Oracle server using Import Wizard.
  7. In Structure Synchronization, when the queries generated in the "Queries for Modification" list were too long (e.g. 8000 characters), the whole line would become blank.
  8. Error occurred for Oracle and PostgreSQL server when primary key constraint name in source table conflicted with the unique index which was created as the same name as the primary key in Structure Synchronization.
  9. Field names for some tables with special names were unable to be listed in Report Builder.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Aug 30 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.13


  1. Horizontal scrollbar is now reset to the left position after applying Beautify SQL feature.

Bug Fixes:

  1. SQLite index/trigger was unable to be removed from the Navicat main window.
  2. "Access violation" error sometimes occurred when running an invalid syntax in Query Editor.
  3. Data Transfer profiles were unable to be opened for PostgreSQL server.
  4. "Access violation" error occurred when opening a Oracle search report in Report Viewer.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Aug 2 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.12

Bug Fixes:

  1. PostgreSQL Foreign Key Data Selection did not work properly.
  2. Brackets in FROM clause could not be parsed between Query Editor and Query Builder.
  3. When exporting numeric data with comma as decimal seperator to access file, the numbers were displayed without the comma.
  4. Failed to transfer database objects to different server type when transfering to sql file in Data Transfer.
  5. When exporting numeric data to excel file, it would be exported as string type.
  6. Sort by time could not work properly in MySQL and Oracle Server Monitor.
  7. Process ID became negative value in MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL Server Monitor.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jul 15 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.11


  1. Added highlight keywords - ELSIF for PostgreSQL and Oracle, and ELSEIF for PostgreSQL in SQL Beautifier.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Access Violation" error occured when printing database/table structure to PDF, HTML etc.
  2. "Open Table (Quick)" feature for MySQL and Oracle could not work properly in some machines issues.
  3. Fixed "mysql.proc" error occured in Table Designer.
  4. Privileges tab in PostgreSQL and Oracle Table Designer was unable to toggle check box using keyboard.
  5. "List Index our of bounds (58)" error occured when trying to enter/edit SQL in query Definition tab.
  6. Foreign Key link position in Visual Builder were not accurate enough.
  7. Fixed bug when parsing FROM clause with brackets in Visual Builder, e.g. select ... from ((...)).
  8. MySQL codepage problem in Data Transfer feature.
  9. Server Monitor would crash if being opened for a while.
  10. The info column in Server Monitor only showed (WIDEMEMO).
  11. Object Selection in SQLite Restore window wrongly displayed items "Indexes" and "Triggers".
  12. MySQL database/table Privileges were unable to show with uppercase names.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jun 23 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.10


  1. Structure Synchronization will now not compare MySQL table comment.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Auto-reconnection did not work on SSH tunnel connection to MySQL server.
  2. Fixed the unicode display problem on Text field with MySQL 4.0 or below.
  3. Beautify SQL would cause error if extra spaces existed in aggregate function.
  4. Fixed error when importig XML files from the Interent.
  5. When exported data to Excel spreadsheet, string start with zero (e.g. 009123) would be changed to integer (9123).
  6. "Access Violation" error occured in Manage User when MySQL user did not have enough privilege.
  7. "Ask to save new queries" in Options would be reset to unchecked after Navicat restarted.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jun 8 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.9

Bug Fixes:

  1. "700 - Invalid response: 417" error occured when connecting to server over HTTP Tunnel.
  2. Each SQLite field was limited to 65536 bytes.
  3. "Duplicate name 'Field11' in TFieldDefs" error occured if a table contained more than 11 fields in which the first ten field names include "Field1".
  4. Tab order in Import Wizard was set up incorrectly.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

May 31 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.8


  1. Added more popup option for Where and Having clauses in Query Builder.

Bug Fixes:

  1. In Navicat main, View -> Sort did not work properly.
  2. In Navicat main, copying action would not work properly after certain user actions.
  3. In Navicat main, Window -> Next Window did not work properly.
  4. When adding new field and tabbing across cloumns in Table Designer, bule hash would appear at the end of the columns.
  5. When tabbing betweem columns in Table Deisgner, some columns would be skipped.
  6. Beautify SQL feature did not compatible with Navicat Query Parameter syntax, so that error would occur when running the parameter query.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

May 17 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.7


  1. Support encrypted SQLite file (wxSQLite3).
  2. Improved smart quote identifier for SQLite.
  3. Improved virtual grouping rename issue - e.g. group like "ITem" and it didn't allow to change into "Item".
  4. Changed to use Ctrl+MouseWheel instead of LeftClick+MouseWheel for zoom in/out function in Query Editor.
  5. Query Builder is now able to handle incomplete SQL statement when switching between Query Editor and Query Builder.
  6. SELECT clause is now able to be generated when dragging a table to Query Builder without selecting any columns, and switching to Query Editor.
  7. Improved export data to excel spreadsheet - number/float data is now being export to number format instead of string format.
  8. Widen the width of the saved profiles list under Data Transfer and Data/Structure Synchronization windows.
  9. Added shortcuts for Structure Synchronization - [ctrl+a] to select all scripts, [ctrl+c] to copy selected scripts, right click the popup menu to copy the selected scripts.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Access Violation error occured when exporting chart report to excel file.
  2. "1054 unknown column error" occured when updating or inserting a record in MySQL View that has Alias names in the Select statement.
  3. The automatic word wrap in TEXT fields not working properly in Form View.
  4. "Navicat is not able to prase SQL" error occured in Query Editor.
  5. Navicat freezed when applying "Beautify SQL" on some SQL statements.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

May 10 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.6


  1. Added Java and XML syntax highlighting for Oracle.
  2. Support Cancel action in copying SQLite objects, table and query.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When unchecked MySQL "Include other table options" in Data Transfer, engine/table type, character set, auto increment settings were not transferred properly.
  2. The font size used in Query grid was smaller than in View grid.
  3. "Set Display Format" option in Table Viewer did not work in numerical field.
  4. Fixed the wrong positioning issue of main menu items.
  5. MySQL character set/collation type issue in Query Builder or View Builder.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

May 3 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.5


  1. Improved the performance for opening Table Viewer with huge amount of columns.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When selecting a particular entry in an enum select box by typing the first letters of the item, the wrong value would be saved if confirmed the changes using the check mark.
  2. When applied "Auto save" function, recover window would not launched if multiple Navicat instances started.
  3. "Access violation" error occured when creating function using Function wizard.
  4. "Access violation" error occured in Foreign Key Data Selection feature if SQLite reference table did not exist.
  5. Fixed the column width of SQLite Foreign Key Data Selection window.
  6. "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation" error occured when exporting field values start with "=" to Excel file.
  7. Fixed the drag & drop problem on Select, Where, Group By, Having, Order By, Limit regions in Query Builder.
  8. When trying to determine if the dataset were editable in Query, error would occur if user contained privilege on View, but did not have select privilege for Table.
  9. Error would occur when switching between Query Editor and Query Builder with MySQL INTERVAL clause included.
  10. Fixed GUI problem when opened Edit -> Options in SQLite Table Designer.
  11. "Access violation" error occured for code/word completion feature.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Apr 26 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 9.0.4


  1. Better handle case sensitive of object identifier for Query Builder.
  2. Support "select ... from ... group by left(..., ...)" when switching from Query Editor to Query Builder.
  3. Reviewed default Keyword/Function for Oracle.
  4. Improved keywords list for Code/Word Completion.
  5. Attached hot keys to the navigation bar in Table Viewer.
  6. In Oracle Code Outline, supports parameter as node for simple view.
  7. In Oracle Code Outline, supports sort by position, sort by type/name.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Toolbar buttons did not refresh after maximized/minimized and changed size of panes.
  2. Toolbar would blink when toggling taskbar auto hide option.
  3. Oracle debugger window could not be closed when debug running error occured.
  4. Incompleted MySQL Stored Procedure SQL statement showed in Stored Procedure Designer.
  5. When sweithed between Query Builder ad Query Editor, ";" would be inserted into the middle of the statement.
  6. MySQL auto-increment and character set would not be transtered during Data Transfer function.
  7. "Select All" and "UnSelect All" buttons missing in Data Synchronization window.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Apr 12 2010
Navicat for Premium (Windows) version 9.0.3

Main New Features:

  1. Support of SQLite.
  2. Import/Export connection.
  3. PL/SQL Code Debugger.
  4. Code outline for Oracle functions/procedures/packages/types.
  5. Significant Improvements made in code/word completion.
  6. Code Folding.
  7. Matched Brace/Bracket Highlighting.
  8. Parameter Tips.
  9. Zoom In/Out for SQL editors.
  10. SQL Beautifier.
  11. Favorites.
  12. Object Filter.
  13. Individual database objects backup.
  14. Unicode Character Report.
  15. Auto save in Query, Function etc.
  16. Custom sort in Tabler Viewer.
  17. Significant Improvements made in editor and data grid searching.
  18. Notification email supports SSL/TLS in Schedule.
  19. History Log Viewer.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Feb 24 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.20


    In Table Viewer, MySQL Limit clause will now exclude from the Update/Delete statement if primary key does not exist.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Collations could not be changed for MySQL 4.1.
  2. When altered MySQL View definer, wrong quoting applied.
  3. When altered Function (PostgreSQL 8.0 or before), all its parameters would be lost after saved.
  4. When running backup for PostgreSQL database, duplicate/missing records would happen.
  5. "ORA-00932" error occured when opening Oracle 9i table, which contained FLOAT type, in Table Viewer.
  6. Word Wrap status did not save in the Query Editor.
  7. "Access violation" error occured when adding "Order By" or selecting any fields after "Select * from table" being run several times in Query Builder.
  8. When import from ODBC with empty tables, "BOF/EOF access" error would occur.
  9. Error dialog occured when selecting target connection in Data Transfer.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jan 19 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.19

Bug Fixes:

  1. Restore function could not work properly.
  2. Insert Field did not work in Table Designer.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jan 12 2010
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.18


  1. If length does not specify for MySQL char/varchar, 255 value will now be assigned when saving a table.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When using MySQL HTTP Tunnel connection and user tried to add/duplicate an user. After pressing OK to close the user form, Navicat would sometimes causes "Access Violation" error.
  2. When altered a MySQL data type that contains unsigned/zerofill properties into BIT type, table could not be saved in Table Designer.
  3. BIT type default value could not be handled properly in some MySQL server.
  4. When set the DEFAULT NULL property in PostgreSQL table, Navicat used "SET DEFAULT NULL" rather than "DROP DEFAULT"
  5. "1045 - Access denied" error occured when a target server was not selected during MySQL Data Transfer.
  6. "1055" errod occured when running MySQL queries after the SQL mode was set into 'TRADITIONAL, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY NO_AUTO_VALUE _ON_ZERO'.
  7. "Append/Update" mode did not work properly in Import Wizard.
  8. Sequence checkbox status and counter did not work properly in Oracle and PostgreSQL Data Transfer.
  9. PostgreSQL SQL statement - "select * from table" would return result set in unexpected order, so that Data Transfer and Export functions would return incorrect result.
  10. Events and Sequences could not shown under Object Selection tab in MySQL and PostgreSQL Restore form.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Nov 18 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.17


  1. In step 6 of Import Wizard, Source field name would be truncated if longer than 255 characters. Now, Navicat supports up to 5000 field name characters.

Bug Fixes:

  1. MySQL Auto increment value could not be altered if "Use DDL from SHOW CREATE TABLE" option was disabled with "Include Auto Increment" option being checked in Data Transfer.
  2. Refresh did not work for getting update data.
  3. When import text-based file using Import Wizard, Navicat was unable to get the number of columns correctly if the file did not contain field name row or there were empty lines existed before first data row.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Oct 28 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.16

Bug Fixes:

  1. Primary Key were defined improperly under SQL Preview tab in PostgreSQL/Oacle Table Designer.
  2. The cursor position moved to end-of-line after saved the Stored Procesure/Function.
  3. "Access Violation" error occured when getting the MySQL Event information from Linux server.
  4. "'x,x' is not a valid floating point value" error occured when opening an oracle table that contains floats data type together with the regional settings were set to Dutch environment.
  5. Failed to establish SSH connection when the private key path contained unicode.
  6. when the server name contain unicode characters, this server name was unreadable in SQL file which created using Data Transfer feature.
  7. "Control 'ppParameterEditor' has no parent window" error occured when clicked on the ParametersEditor button which under Generation topic in Report Builder.
  8. When a table contained some long field names, those field names were only partialy visible or even invisible in Form View.
  9. When resizing the Data Transfer/Data Synchronization/Structure Synchronization window, all data fields expanded to display longer content except the "profile" drop down list.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Oct 5 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.15

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Class TSciMemo not found" error occured when opening PostgreSQL Aggregate Designer.
  2. Data could not be updated/added in Table Viewer when using HTTP Tunnel connection to PostgreSQL server.
  3. "Truncate Table" function did not work with multiple tables if using HTTP Tunnel connection.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Sep 25 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.14


  1. "Exceed package size..." error will now occur to remind you to enlarge the max_allowed_packet variable if the records larger than the maximum packet size setting when running Data Synchronisation for MySQl server.
  2. Report Builder now accepts datetime function for MySQL server.
  3. PostgreSQL "bytea" data type will now being exported as E'...' in text-base file.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "Property cannot be found" error occured when importing Access file with datatype that may involve decimal places info, e.g.currecy, number, floating point value.
  2. BLOB data in text file was unable to import successfully for MySQL and PostgreSQL servers.
  3. SQL statements exported from Export Wizard was exported incorrectly.
  4. When added a new field (without labelling its name) in MySQL server usng Table Designer, then click the Move Up button. The last field in the table would be disappeared.
  5. "List index out of bound" error occured when using an account, which did not have enough privileges, to open MySQL Stored Procedure/Function.
  6. Crashed when running "SELECT ctid FROM table" in PostgreSQL server.
  7. "Access Violation" error occured when exporting data to Access file if using HTTP Tunnel connection.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Sep 3 2009
Navicat Premium (Window) version 8.2.13


  1. The Data Synchronization message log will not show server name rather than Host/IP.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When applied comma as decimal seperator, Data Synchronization would cause problem for MySQL and PostgreSQL server.
  2. Date field was not converted correctly when exported to DBF file.
  3. An empty field would be displayed if employed EUC_JP as database encoding in PostgreSQL server.
  4. Undo (Ctrl + z) function did not work properly on memo editor in Table Viewer.
  5. Docked windows could not show in task bar under Windows 7.
  6. Email attachment in Schedule could not be sent if "Add timestamp" option was enabled in Export Wizard.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Aug 11 2009
Navicat Premium (Window) version 8.2.12


  1. Support specify the socket name in Connection for MySQL server.
  2. Improve suggestion on target data type and provide a default precision and scale information in Import Wizard.
  3. Support export to clipboard.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When edited an Oralce user, "ORA-00904: DROPPED: invalid identified" occured.
  2. It was slow to open Table Designer for PostgreSQL server.
  3. When docking a console window to main window, the wheel of mouse would be no effect.
  4. Month calendar Could not fully display in some system.
  5. If password did not save in Connection Properties, Dump SQL File would not work propertly.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jul 22 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.11


  1. Support of UUID for PostgreSQL server 8.3 or above.

Bug Fixes:

  1. "SSH Tunnel:''is not a valid integer value" error occured during SSH connection.
  2. When exported data to MS Access, month and day values were mixed up.
  3. Slow problem while transfering data from command line.
  4. "permission denied for relation pg_authid" error occured when creating table for ProgreSQL server.
  5. Access Violation error happened when creating new table with index.
  6. Fixed SQL parsing problem for Oracle version.
  7. Index, constraint and trigger could not be renamed in Table Designer.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jul 13 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.9


  1. Improved connection alive issue for MySQL server.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When ran "LOAD DATA LOCAL FILE" in Query Editor to import data to MySQL database, Access violation error occured.
  2. If table names stated with number e.g. 1Table, those tables were not displayed on the Query Builder.
  3. when using Find (ctrl+f) in Form View, it would jump out of Form View into Grid View.
  4. When applied docking feature under Windows 7, "System Error. Code: 87. The parameter is incorrect" occured.
  5. Fixed "Select" statement with empty string in Query Editor resulted in Access violation.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jul 9 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.8


  1. Support of SSL for PostgreSQL server 8.4.
  2. Improved dual monitor system support.
  3. Report files are now able to copy to other dataabses.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Access Violation error happened on Data Synchronization when the target connection applied HTTP Tunnel.
  2. Backup failed when connection applied HTTP Tunnel.
  3. When closed the Restore dialog after restored, Access violation occured.
  4. User-defined schema would not show in Structure Synchronization.
  5. "Not enough timers available" error occured in Structure Synchronization.
  6. After saved the query in Query Editor, the cursor returned to the beginning of the script.
  7. "Keepalive Interval" did not work for PostgreSQL version.
  8. Database/Schema privileges could not be edited for PostgreSQL server.
  9. Modified existing Operator Class did not work properly for PostgreSQL server 8.4.
  10. Structure Synchronization did not work properly for PostgreSQL server 7.4.
  11. When tables contained foreigh key, "Duplicate Table" feature would not worked for Navicat for MySQL version.
  12. When deleted multi-cell in Table Viewer, Navicat would hang.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jul 2 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.7


  1. Support import/export from/to Access 2007 file.
  2. When using "Duplicate Connection" to create a new connection, Settings Save Path won't be copied.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed while getting wrong Oracle sequence info during the Data Transfer process.
  2. Fixed the column width not saved in Query Result tab.
  3. When exporting tables with choosing "None" for Field delimiter into Text file, it now not add #0(null character) as delimiter.
  4. Modified the default query limit to 100 for PostgreSQL server to avoid Out of Memory error during the Backup, Data Transfer and Export process.
  5. SSH connection did not work properly.
  6. Last Character would be chopped when exported data using Export Wizard.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jun 26 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.6


  1. Ability to duplicate connection.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed while changing value in table grid view given "1054 - Unknown column '' in 'field list'" error message using MySQL server version 4.0.x.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jun 25 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.5

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed access violation issue while reorganizing Join table for a saved query.
  2. Fixed "Duplicate Field" function in Table Designer, given "unknown column..." error message.
  3. BFile/CFile not being handled.
  4. Fixed access violation issue during backup process.
  5. Fixed altering the inheritance table, given "syntax error at or near "INHERITS" at..." error message for Navicat PostgreSQL version.

Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade

Jun 22 2009
Navicat Premium (Windows) version 8.2.4

Main features:

Multi-connections Database Administration tool:

Navicat Premium allows you to perform multiple server administration to MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases from a single interface. It supports most of the features in MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL including:

Latest MySQL versions support

  1. Compatible with any MySQL server version.
  2. Support all MySQL objects: tables, views, stored procedures/functions and events.
  3. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys and triggers.
  4. Support of partitioning.
  5. Support of Unicode / Character Set.

Latest Oracle versions support

  1. Support Oracle version 8.1, 9i, 10g and 11g.
  2. Support all Oracle objects: tables (Normal, External and Index Organized), views, procedures/functions.
  3. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks and triggers.
  4. Managing directories, tablespaces, public database links and public synonyms.
  5. Managing database links, indices, java, materialized views, materialized view logs, packages, sequences, synonyms, triggers, types, XML Schema and Recycle Bin.
  6. Support of physical attributes.
  7. Support of Unicode/Character Set.

Latest PostgreSQL versions support

  1. Support PostgreSQL Server version 7.3 to 8.3.
  2. Support all PostgreSQL objects: tables, views and functions.
  3. Support all subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks, rules and triggers.
  4. Managing tablespace, cast and languages.
  5. Managing aggregates, conversions, domains, trigger functions, operators and classes, sequences and types.
  6. Support of character set and Unicode.

Cross-servers Data Manipulation Tools

  1. Support of transferring data across various database systems.
  2. Ability to transfer data to a text file with designated SQL format.
  3. Setting schedule for profiles from different kind of databases.
  4. Support of sending notification e-mail and attachment for schedule task.

Connection options

  1. Support of password and public/private key for SSH Tunnel.
  2. Support of HTTP Tunnel for MySQL and PostgreSQL Servers.
  3. Support of Oracle Basic and TNS Connection.
  4. Export Registry Record(.reg) via Navicat Premium.

Well-designed user interface

  1. Virtual Grouping for connections and objects.
  2. Customize of connection order.
  3. Data are well-shown in the tree view.
  4. Grid View and Form View support.
  5. Well-described Wizard System.
  6. Support docking windows.

Powerful data management tool

  1. Foreign Key Data Selection.
  2. Supports Parameter Query.
  3. Import and Export support.
  4. Data Synchronization support.
  5. Structure Synchronization support.
  6. Support of Backup and Restore for MySQL and PostgreSQL Servers.
  7. Build in MySQL and PostgreSQL Console and Oracle SQL*Plus.
  8. dBaseIII memo support in DBF Import Wizard.

Visual Designer

  1. Support Code-Completion in SQL editors.
  2. Support Views in Query Builder.
  3. Support of Views Builder.
  4. Support SQL Previewer.

Additional features

  1. Print Schema / Table Structure
  2. Support of setting global Row Height and Column Width in table grid.
  3. Support of Word Wrap.
  4. Provides a short-cut to terminate a running query.
  5. Manage Users.
  6. Server Monitor.

Download here

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*Promotion ends on 16 Jan, 2025 (23:59 ET).
* Promotion valid for upgrade Navicat perpetual licenses; cannot be combined with other discounts.