Navicat Blog

Joins versus Subqueries: Which Is Faster? Feb 18, 2021 by Robert Gravelle

Joins and subqueries are both used to combine data from different tables into a single result set. As such, they share many similarities as well as differences. One key difference is performance. If execution speed is paramount in your business, then you should favor one over the other. Which one? Read on to find out!

Database Optimization: an Overview Jan 22, 2021 by Robert Gravelle

Database optimization is a rather large and sprawling topic that encompasses a multitude of strategies for reducing database system response times. These are often tailored to the specific usage patterns of a database instance or cluster. For instance, in some cases, lightning fast queries might be a goal, whereas for some organizations, faster write times may be what's desired most.

Improving query response times may include activities such as:

  • careful construction of queries
  • use of indexes
  • using analysis tools such as EXPLAIN

In today's blog, we'll learn more about this vital topic in database administration.

What is a Flat File Database? Jan 7, 2021 by Robert Gravelle

While you've almost certainly heard of relational and NoSQL databases, there is a better than even chance that you're completely unfamiliar with flat file databases. Flat file databases are indeed a real thing, but they don't get much love these days. As we'll learn in today's blog, there is a better way to work with flat file databases than in years gone by. In fact, if you use any of Navicat's database development and admin clients, you're in the ideal position to do so!

Identifying Columns with Missing Values in a Table Dec 4, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

Sometimes a database administrator (DBA) needs to furnish a report on the number of missing values in a table or tables. Whether the goal is to show counts or row content with missing values, there are a couple of ways to go about it, depending on how flexible you want to be about it. The first would be to construct a query against the table(s) in question, using information that you have about field names, data types, and constraints. The second, more elaborate, approach would be to write a stored procedure that fetches column info from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table. In today's blog, we'll take a look at the non-generic approach, while next week's blog will address the stored procedure solution.

Calculating Average Daily Counts in SQL Server Nov 20, 2020 by Robert Gravelle

Calculating average daily counts seems like something that would be done fairly often, and yet, I have never done it. I asked my wife, who is also a programmer of database-backed applications, and she never had the occasion to do so either! So, it is with great enthusiasm that I take on this challenge today.

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