Navicat Blog

Supercharging Your Queries with Navicat and ChatGPT Feb 9, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

It's official: the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arrived! Until our new overlords decide to use us to power their machines, let's take the time to fully enjoy all the benefits they provide and the myriad of ways that they make our lives easier. Case in point, the AI-driven chatbot, ChatGPT, by OpenAI, has been lauded for its ability to produce tremendously spot-on answers to questions across a broad range of topics. And, although ChatGPT may not be making our jobs obsolete just yet, it has proven to be amazingly adept at working with data sets, much like a DBMS. In today's blog, we'll explore how ChatGPT could be utilized to supplement a professional database development and administration tool like Navicat.

Correlated Subqueries Feb 2, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

Subqueries can be categorized into two types:

  • A non-correlated (simple) subquery obtains its results independently of its containing (outer) statement.
  • A correlated subquery references values from its outer query in order to execute.

When a non-correlated subquery executes (independently of the outer query), the subquery executes first, and then passes its results to the outer query. Meanwhile, a correlated subquery typically obtains values from its outer query before it executes. When the subquery returns, it passes its results to the outer query.

Now that we know the difference between a correlated subquery and its non-correlated counterpart, this blog will cover how to write a correlated subquery in Navicat Premium 16.

How to Perform a Search and Replace in SQL Jan 18, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

As you are no doubt aware, updating text values in the database is a commonplace occurrence. Nonetheless, it is a rare database administrator (DBA) that doesn't feel some trepidation upon executing batch updates against production tables. In today's blog, we'll learn how to use the SQL REPLACE() function to replace either a complete or partial string in a table column.

Creating Custom Code Snippets in Navicat 16 Jan 9, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

The Code Snippets feature was introduced to all "Non-Essentials" Navicat Database Administration and Development tools in version 12. Version 16 added Code Snippets to Navicat's cloud services so that users could save their Code Snippets to the cloud and share them across Navicat products. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Code Snippets feature, it allows you to insert reusable code into your SQL statements when working in the SQL Editor. Besides gaining access to a collection of built-in snippets, you can also define your own snippets. We've talked about Code Snippets before. The March 14, 2018 blog, Using Navicat Code Snippets, provided a general overview of the Code Snippets feature. Today's blog will cover how to create your own custom Code Snippets. It's something that can make writing queries a whole lot easier!

Using SQL Aliases to Simplify Your Queries and Customize the Results Dec 20, 2022 by Robert Gravelle

Aliases temporarily rename a table or a column in such a way that does not affect the underlying table(s) or view(s). As a feature of SQL that is supported by most, if not all, relational database management systems, aliases are a great way to both simplify your queries and/or customize the column headers in your result sets. In this blog, we'll do both, using Navicat Premium 16.

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