Navicat Blog

Query Customization Using Navicat-only Syntax Nov 13, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Available in all editions of Navicat database administration and development tools (including Navicat Premium Lite!), Code Snippets allows you to insert reusable code into your SQL statements when working in the SQL Editor. Besides gaining access to a collection of built-in snippets, you can also define your own. One of the built-in categories supplies special Navicat-only Syntax for customizing the query results tab name as well as for supplying runtime parameters. Today's blog will demonstrate how to use both snippets in your queries using the free MySQL Sakila Database and Navicat Premium 17.

Getting Started with Navicat On-Prem Server - Part 2 Nov 8, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Customizing the App Server Settings and Setting Up Notifications

Navicat On-Prem Server is the perfect on-premise cloud solution for organizations who wish to maintain complete control over their data. By maintaining full control over your system, you can ensure 100% data privacy, while still benefiting from the convenience and features of a cloud-based solution. Navicat On-Prem Server also provides comprehensive management tools for MySQL and MariaDB, enabling efficient administration, monitoring, and management of your database instances.

Last week's blog article covered the first steps for configuring Navicat On-Prem Server on Windows 10 with a MySQL 8 Community Server instance. Today we will go over the App Server, Notification Settings, and Confirmation steps to complete the configuration process.

Getting Started with Navicat On-Prem Server: Configuring the Superuser, On-Prem Server Profile, and Repo Server Nov 1, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Configuring the Superuser, On-Prem Server Profile, and Repository Server

Navicat On-Prem Server is an on-premise solution for hosting a cloud environment where you can securely store Navicat objects internally at your location. It's one of two Navicat products whose goal is to foster increased collaboration amongst team members - the other being Navicat Cloud. The main difference between these two solutions is the location of shared objects: in the case of Navicat Cloud, they are stored in a central location on Navicat's servers, whereas the Navicat On-Prem Server resides on your organization's infrastructure. That being said, you can also install Navicat On-Prem Server on Amazon Linux 2 or within a Docker container. Today's blog will cover the first steps for configuring Navicat On-Prem Server on Windows 10 with a MySQL 8 Community Server instance. The next blog article will complete the series with the remaining steps.

Seamless MySQL and MariaDB Management with Navicat On-Prem Server Oct 28, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Navicat Collaboration provides the means for your team to collaborate on a variety of database objects, including connection settings, queries, aggregation pipelines, snippets, model workspaces, BI workspaces and virtual group information. Navicat offers two options for Collaboration: Navicat Cloud and Navicat On-Prem Server. Whereas Navicat Cloud offers a central space for your team to store Navicat objects, Navicat On-Prem Server is an on-premise solution for hosting a cloud environment where you can securely store Navicat objects internally at your location. Today's blog will describe how Navicat On-Prem Server helps foster collaboration within your team and manage MySQL and MariaDB instances more effectively.

The SQL Anti Join Oct 21, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

One of the most powerful SQL features is the JOIN operation, providing an elegant and simple means of combining every row from one table with every row from another table. However, there are times that we may want to find values from one table that are NOT present in another table. As we'll see in today's blog article, joins can be utilized for this purpose as well, by including a predicate on which to join the tables. Known as anti joins, these can be helpful in answering a variety of business-related questions, such as:

  • Which customers did not place an order?
  • Which employees have not been assigned a department?
  • Which salespeople did not close a deal this week?

This blog will offer a primer on the types of anti joins and how to write them using a few examples based on the PostgreSQL dvdrental database. We'll write and execute the queries in Navicat Premium Lite 17.

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