Navicat Blog

Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI: Custom Sort Orders Aug 23, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

In Navicat BI, data sources reference tables in your connections or data in files/ODBC sources, and can select data from tables on different server types. The fields in the dataset can be used to construct a chart. In fact, when building a chart, you will need to specify the data source that's used to populate the chart.

As we've seen throughout this series, data sources support custom field types. These include: Type-Changed, Concatenated, Mapped, Custom-Sorted, and Calculated. The last blog covered how to use Custom-Sorted Fields to sort chart data according to a reference field. This week, we'll be learning how to set an explicit sort order. In order to do so, we will create a Vertical Bar Chart for the free "dvdrental" sample database that shows a sum of movie rental proceeds by month.

Navicat Premium Lite: the Simple Database Management & Development Tool Aug 16, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Navicat Premium has long been the choice of database professionals everywhere who needed to simultaneously connect to a variety of database platforms from a single application. Navicat Premium Lite now offers a streamlined database management experience for users who only require the core features needed for basic database operations. In today's blog, we'll go over all of the impressive features that you'll find in Navicat Premium Lite as well as where to download it for FREE.

Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI: Mapped Fields Overview Aug 7, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Welcome to the 3rd installment in this series on Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI. In Part 1, we learned how to add Type-Changed Fields to your Navicat BI charts. Part 2 went on to describe how to use Concatenated Fields. Today's blog will introduce Mapped Fields. We'll be modifying the data source that we used in the last two articles, which connects to the free "dvdrental" sample database and returns a list of rentals for each film category. In the next blog, we will use the updated data source to create a chart that compares new releases to other categories.

Navicat for MySQL 17: Empowering Smarter Business Decisions Jul 26, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

On May 12th, Navicat added several major updates to existing products, including Navicat Premium, Navicat BI, and Navicat Data Modeler. One of the most popular Navicat tools, Navicat for MySQL, also benefitted from the new updates, receiving much of the same exciting new features as Navicat Premium. Today's blog will be covering just a few of the improvements that you'll find in the new Navicat for MySQL 17.

Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI: Concatenated Fields Jul 19, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Welcome to part 2 in the Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI series. Part 1 laid the groundwork for adding custom fields to your Navicat BI charts, starting with Type-Changed Fields. Today's blog will continue with Concatenated Fields. As with the last article, we'll be using a data source that connects to the free "dvdrental" sample database.

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